Trane TRG-TRC004-EN manual Yroxwh Gliixvhu Sdvvdjhv Udgldo Lpshoohu Eodghv

Page 21

period one

Compressor Types





















Figure 21

The center, or eye, of the impeller is fitted with blades that draw refrigerant vapor into radial passages that are internal to the impeller body. The rotation of the impeller causes the refrigerant vapor to accelerate within these passages, increasing its velocity and kinetic energy.

The accelerated refrigerant vapor leaves the impeller and enters the diffuser passages. These passages start out small and become larger as the refrigerant travels through them. As the size of the diffuser passage increases, the velocity, and therefore the kinetic energy, of the refrigerant decreases. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is not destroyed—only converted from one form to another. Thus, the refrigerant’s kinetic energy (velocity) is converted to static energy (or static pressure).

Refrigerant, now at a higher pressure, collects in a larger space around the perimeter of the compressor called the volute. The volute also becomes larger as the refrigerant travels through it. Again, as the size of the volute increases, the kinetic energy is converted to static pressure.



Image 21
Contents Air Conditioning Clinic Refrigeration Compressors Business Reply Mail One of the Fundamental Series Comment CardRefrigeration Compressors 5HIULJHUDWLRQ&RPSUHVVRUV PrefaceContents TRG-TRC004-EN 9DSRU&RPSUHVVLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ Introduction5HIULJHUDWLRQ&\FOH RPSUHVVRU7\SHV Compressor TypesReciprocating Compressor 5HFLSURFDWLQJ&RPSUHVVRUFrpsuhvvlrq Vwurnh Rshqlqj Glvfkdujh Slvwrq Scroll Compressor 6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUMrxuqdo Lqwdnh Skdvh Frpsuhvvlrq Glvfkdujh Helical-Rotary Screw Compressor +HOLFDO5RWDU\6FUHZ&RPSUHVVRU+HOLFDO5RWDU\&RPSUHVVRU Phvklqjsrlqw Centrifugal Compressor HQWULIXJDO&RPSUHVVRUYroxwh Gliixvhu Sdvvdjhv Udgldo Lpshoohu Eodghv Uhiuljhudqw 2SHQ&RPSUHVVRU 6HPLKHUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU +HUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU0HWKRGVRI&RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ Compressor Capacity ControlCylinder Unloaders \OLQGHU8QORDGHUVXqordghufrqwuroohu Vrohqrlgydoyh Ydoyh DSDFLW\9HUVXV6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ $OWHUQDWLQJ&\OLQGHUV2QDQG2II \FOLQJ2QDQG2II \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUVCycling On and Off \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUV Slide Valve 6OLGH9DOYHInlet Vanes QOHW9DQHVInlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic Variable Speed 9DULDEOH6SHHGCompressor in a System \VWHP/HYHO&RQWUROSystem-Level Control RQVWDQW9ROXPH6\VWHP KLOOHGDWHU6\VWHP 9DULDEOH$LU9ROXPH6\VWHPPreventing Evaporator Freeze-Up 6HQVLQJ6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH +RW*DV%\SDVVWRYDSRUDWRU,QOHW +RW*DV%\SDVVWR6XFWLRQ/LQH System Components clinic 5HYLHZ²3HULRG2QH Review5HYLHZ²3HULRG7ZR \VWHPOHYHOFRQWURO 5HYLHZ²3HULRG7KUHHFor more information, refer to the following references TRG-TRC004-EN Questions for Period QuizAnswers Glossary Glossary Glossary Trane Company