Trane TRG-TRC004-EN manual +Huphwlf&Rpsuhvvru, 6HPLKHUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU

Page 24

period one

Compressor Types







Figure 25

A hermetic compressor, on the other hand, seals the motor within the compressor housing. This motor is cooled by the refrigerant, either by refrigerant vapor that is being drawn into the compressor from the suction line or by liquid refrigerant that is being drawn from the liquid line. The heat from the motor is then rejected by the condenser.

Hermetic compressors eliminate the need for the shaft couplings and external shaft seals that are associated with open motors. The coupling needs precise alignment, and these seals are a prime source of oil and refrigerant leaks. On the other hand, if a motor burns out, a system with a hermetic compressor will require thorough cleaning, while a system with an open compressor will not.






Figure 26

Similarly, the motor for a semihermetic compressor is also contained within the compressor housing and is cooled by the refrigerant. The term “semihermetic” means that the sealed housing is designed to be opened to repair or overhaul the compressor or motor.



Image 24
Contents Air Conditioning Clinic Refrigeration Compressors Business Reply Mail Comment Card One of the Fundamental SeriesRefrigeration Compressors Preface 5HIULJHUDWLRQ&RPSUHVVRUVContents TRG-TRC004-EN Introduction 9DSRU&RPSUHVVLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ&\FOH Compressor Types RPSUHVVRU7\SHV5HFLSURFDWLQJ&RPSUHVVRU Reciprocating CompressorFrpsuhvvlrq Vwurnh Rshqlqj Glvfkdujh Slvwrq 6FUROO&RPSUHVVRU Scroll CompressorMrxuqdo Lqwdnh Skdvh Frpsuhvvlrq Glvfkdujh +HOLFDO5RWDU\6FUHZ&RPSUHVVRU Helical-Rotary Screw Compressor+HOLFDO5RWDU\&RPSUHVVRU Phvklqjsrlqw HQWULIXJDO&RPSUHVVRU Centrifugal CompressorYroxwh Gliixvhu Sdvvdjhv Udgldo Lpshoohu Eodghv Uhiuljhudqw 2SHQ&RPSUHVVRU +HUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU 6HPLKHUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRUCompressor Capacity Control 0HWKRGVRI&RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ\OLQGHU8QORDGHUV Cylinder UnloadersXqordghufrqwuroohu Vrohqrlgydoyh Ydoyh DSDFLW\9HUVXV6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ $OWHUQDWLQJ&\OLQGHUV2QDQG2II \FOLQJ2QDQG2II \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUVCycling On and Off \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUV 6OLGH9DOYH Slide ValveQOHW9DQHV Inlet VanesInlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic 9DULDEOH6SHHG Variable SpeedCompressor in a System \VWHP/HYHO&RQWUROSystem-Level Control RQVWDQW9ROXPH6\VWHP 9DULDEOH$LU9ROXPH6\VWHP KLOOHGDWHU6\VWHPPreventing Evaporator Freeze-Up 6HQVLQJ6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH +RW*DV%\SDVVWRYDSRUDWRU,QOHW +RW*DV%\SDVVWR6XFWLRQ/LQH System Components clinic Review 5HYLHZ²3HULRG2QH5HYLHZ²3HULRG7ZR 5HYLHZ²3HULRG7KUHH \VWHPOHYHOFRQWUROFor more information, refer to the following references TRG-TRC004-EN Quiz Questions for PeriodAnswers Glossary Glossary Glossary Trane Company