1.Compressor Start Assist—Capacitor and Relay
Start capacitor and start relay which gives a “hard” boost to compressor motor at each
Installations where outdoor design temperature exceeds 105°F (40.6°C).
Units installed with Low Ambient Pressure Switch. Units installed with
2.Compressor Start Assist—PTC Type
SUGGESTED USE: Installations with marginal power supply.
3.Crankcase Heater
An electric resistance heater which mounts to the base of the compressor to keep the lubricant warm during off cycles. Improves compressor lubrication
on restart and minimizes chance of refrigerant slugging. May or may not include a thermostat control. SUGGESTED USE: When interconnecting tube length exceeds 50 ft.
When unit will be operated below 55°F (12.8°C) outdoor air temperature. (Use with
4.Evaporator Freeze Thermostat
An SPST temperature actuated switch which stops unit operation when evaporator reaches
SUGGESTED USE: All units to which
5.Filter Drier—Suction Line
A device for removing contaminants from refrigerant circulating in a heat pump system;
6.Interface Control (Energy Minder)
An electric control for controlling a heat pump and gas or oil furnace system for maximum energy savings. It allows heat pump to operate down to a predetermined economic balance point temperature, then switches to allow furnace operation only below that temperature. Requires outdoor thermostat (Item 11) to be adjusted for economic balance point temperature.
SUGGESTED USE: For heat pump and gas- or
7.Isolation Relay
An SPDT relay which switches the
8.Liquid-Line Solenoid Valve (LSV)
An electrically operated shutoff valve to be installed at the outdoor unit which stops and starts refrigerant liquid flow in response to compressor operation. Maintains a column of refrigerant liquid ready for action at next compressor operation cycle.
9.Low-Ambient Pressure Switch
A long life pressure switch which is mounted to outdoor unit service valve. It is designed to cycle the outdoor fan motor in order to maintain head pressure within normal operating limits (approximately 200 psig to 365 psig). The control will maintain working head pressure at
SUGGESTED USE: Cooling operation at outdoor temperatures below 55°F (12.8°C).
10.Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor
A device that allows the temperature at a remote location (outdoors) to be displayed at the thermostat.
SUGGESTED USE: All Bryant programmable thermostats.
11.Outdoor Thermostat
An SPDT temperature actuated switch which turns on supplemental electric heaters when outdoor air temperature drops below set point. SUGGESTED USE: Heat pump installations with
12.Secondary Outdoor Thermostat
An SPDT temperature actuated switch which turns on a third stage of supplemental electric heaters when outdoor air temperature drops below the
SUGGESTED USE: Heat pump installations where
13.Service Alarm
SUGGESTED USE: As a feature to notify owner immediately when the system is not operating most efficiently.
14.Snow Stand
Coated wire rack which supports unit 18 in. above mounting pad to allow for drainage from unit base.
SUGGESTED USE: Heat pump installations in heavy snowfall areas.
Heat pump installations in snowdrift locations.
Heat pump installations in areas of prolonged subfreezing temperatures.
All commercial installations.
15.Support Feet
minimizes corrosion.
SUGGESTED USE: Coastal installations.
Windy areas or where debris is normally circulating. Rooftop installations.
16.Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV)—Bi-Flow
A modulating
SUGGESTED USE: Required for all installations.
17.Time-Delay Relay
An SPST delay relay which briefly continues operation of the indoor blower motor to provide additional cooling after the compressor cycles off. SUGGESTED USE: For improved efficiency ratings for certain combinations of indoor and outdoor units. (Refer to ARI Unitary Directory.)
Required for use on all zoning systems.