Acnodes Q5RF SERIES Adjustment of Refrigerant Charge, Charging an R-410AUnit in Heating Mode

Page 13
Adjustment of Refrigerant Charge

Cooling Mode

When the TEST pins are shorted together for more than 1 second, the Anti Short Cycle Timer will be bypassed.

Adjustment of Refrigerant Charge

Charging an R-410A Unit in Heating Mode CAUTION:

This heat pump contains liquid and gaseous refrigerant under pressure.Adjustmentofrefrigerant charge should only be attempted by qualified, trained personnel thoroughly familiar with the equipment and safe responsible refrigerant handling procedures. Under no circumstances should the homeowner attempt to install and/or service this equipment. Failure to comply with this warning could result in equipment damage, personal injury, or death.

The unit must be charged while both fi rst and second stages are operating.

To achieve rated capacity and effi ciency the compressor must be exposed to refrigerant for at least 24 hours prior to running and then must be run for a minimum of 12 hours. See Refrigerant Charging Charts (Figures 11 - 14, pages 14 & 15) for Charging in Cooling Mode.

Charging an R-410A Unit in AC Mode with Outdoor Temperatures Above 65F

1. With the system operating at steady- state, measure the liquid refrigerant pressure in psig at the service valve.

2. M e a s u r e t h e l i q u i d r e f r i g e r a n t temperature (° F) at the service valve.

3.For the temperature measured, determine the required liquid refrigerant pressure from the appropriate charging charts.

If the pressure measured in step 1 is greater than the required liquid refrigerant pressure determined in step 4, then there is too much charge in the system. Remove refrigerant and repeat steps 1 through 3 until the system is correctly charged.

If the pressure measured in step 1 is less than the required liquid refrigerant pressure determined in step 4, then there is too little charge in the system. Add refrigerant and repeat steps 1 through 3 until the system is correctly charged.

Charging an R-410A Unit in Heating Mode

1.Evacuate the refr igerant system .

2.Weigh in the proper charge as shown on the unit rating plate and use the Heating Charging Tables 2 & 3 (pages 16 & 17) as a guide.Tables reflect conditions at high speed operation.Unit charge MUST be verifi ed in cooling season.

3.Verify the unit is operating properly according to the System Heating section on page 12.



To prevent electrical shock, personal injury, or death, disconnect all electrical power to the unit before performing any maintenance or service. The unit may have more than one electrical supply.

Proper maintenance is important to achieve optimum performance from the heat pump. The ability to properly perform maintenance on this equipment requires certain mechanical skills and tools. If you do not possess these skills, contact your dealer for maintenance. Consult your local dealer about the availability of maintenance contracts. Routine maintenance should include the following:

Inspect and clean or replace air fi lters at the beginning of each heating and cooling season, or more frequently if required.

Inspect the condensate drain and outdoor coil at the beginning of each cooling season. Remove any debris.Clean the outdoor coil and louvers as necessary using a mild detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Inspect the electrical connections for tightness at the beginning of each heating and cooling season. Service as necessary.

Manual background CAUTION:

The unit should never be operated without a filter in the return air system.Replace disposable filters with the same type and size.

Do not attempt to add additional oil to motors unequipped with oil tubes.The compressor is hermetically sealed at the factory and does not require lubrication.


Image 13
Contents KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE DO NOT DESTROY. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ANDQ5RF SERIES Single Package Heat Pump - 2 Stage, R-410AUSER INFORMATION INSTALLER INFORMATIONRefrigerant Charging Charts for IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONABOUT THE HEAT PUMP USER INFORMATIONOperating Instructions Figure 1. Digital ThermostatSAFETY INFORMATION INSTALLER INFORMATIONBefore You Install this Unit GENERAL INFORMATIONAir Duct System Figure 2. Drain Trap HEAT PUMP INSTALLATIONCondensate Drainage ElbowLocating & Installing the Return Air Assembly Installing Return & Supply Air FittingsMake sure the filter is readily accessible Figure 3. Minimum Unit ClearancesFigure 6. Return Air Box Locating & Installing the Supply DampersFigure 7. Supply Damper Figure 8. Power Entry Pre-ElectricalChecklistELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Line Voltage2-SpeedOutdoor Fan Motor Select Models Overcurrent ProtectionBlower Speed Ambient Sensor MountingJumper Demand Defrost ControlMinimum Time TerminateAccessory AccessoryINDOOR THERMOSTAT SUB-BASEStart-UpProcedure STARTUP & ADJUSTMENTS Pre-StartChecklistAnti Short Cycle Timer Test Forced Defrost Mode Field TestUNIT MAINTENANCE Adjustment of Refrigerant ChargeCharging an R-410AUnit in Heating Mode Figure 11. Charging Chart for 2 ton Units Refrigerant Charging Charts forFigure 12. Charging Chart for 3 ton Units Q5RF-X24KCHARGING CHARTFigure 13. Charging Chart for 4 ton Units Refrigerant Charging Charts forFigure 14. Charging Chart for 5 ton Units Q5RF-X48KCHARGING CHARTShaded boxes indicate flooded conditions Q5RF-X60KK Q5RF-X48K60HZ/SINGLE PHASE WIRING DIAGRAM¢711065«¤ 208/230V60HZ/SINGLE PHASE WIRING DIAGRAM¢711066#¤ 208/230VHigh Pressure Switch COMPONENT FUNCTIONS Low Pressure Switch¢709158D¤ Model Q5RF