(4)Using a sabre saw, key hole saw or
Table 4
Hole Dia.
(5)Measure the thickness of the wall from the inside edge to the outside edge and cut PVC pipe at a slight angle 1/4" (6 mm) shorter than the thickness of the wall. (Fig. 11)
(6)Place the plastic cover over the end of the pipe (for indoor side only) and insert the pipe in the wall. (Fig. 12)
3-3. Install the Rear Panel on the Wall
Be sure to confirm that the wall is strong enough to sus- pend the unit.
See either Item a) or b) below depending on the wall type.
a) If Wooden Wall
(1)Attach the rear panel to the wall with the 8 screws provided. (Fig. 13)
If you are not able to line up the holes in the rear panel with the beam locations marked on the wall, use rawl plugs or toggle bolts to go through the holes on the panel or drill 3/16" (5 mm) dia. holes in the panel over the stud locations and then mount the rear panel.
(2)Double check with a carpenter’s level or tape mea- sure that the panel is level. This is important to install the unit properly. (Fig. 14)
(3)Make sure the panel is flush against the wall. Any space between the wall and unit will cause noise and vibration.
b) If Block, Brick, Concrete or Similar Type Wall
Make 3/16" (4.8 mm) dia. holes in the wall. Insert rawl plugs for appropriate mounting screws. (Fig. 15)
Hole should be made at a slight downward slant to the outdoor side.
Indoor Outdoor
Fig. 10
PVC pipe (Locally purchased)
Cut at slight angle
Fig. 11
Plastic cover | PVC pipe |
(Locally purchased)
Slight angle
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
(4.8 mm) dia. hole
Rawl plug
Fig. 15