Bosch Power Tools MX25E manual Multi-X Accessory Speed Settings

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Multi-X Accessory Speed Settings




















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Contents Leer antes de usar Call Toll Free forSee Voir Ver la página General Power Tool Safety Warnings Work area safetyElectrical safety Personal safetySafety Rules for Oscillating Tools ServiceAdditional Safety Warnings Some dust created by powerSymbols Name Designation/ExplanationSymbols Functional Description and Specifications Multi-X Oscillating Power ToolModel numbe r Assembly Connecting the Dust Extraction Attachment 2 HoseFelt Ring Bosch Vacuum Hose Introduction Operating Instructions000 Multi-X Accessory Speed Settings Operating Applications ApplicationsCutting Grout RemovalScraping Grit ApplicationSelecting Sanding/Grinding Sheets Material Application Grit SizeSand Paper Red Sand Paper WhitePage Maintenance CleaningExtension Cords Sécurité du lieu de travail Sécurité électriqueConsignes de sécurité pour les outils oscillants Utilisation et entretien des outils ÉlectroportatifsEntretien Avertissements supplémentaires concernant la sécurité Le plomb provenant des peintures à base de plombSymboles Symbole Nom Désignation/ExplicationSymboles suite Description fonctionnelle et spécifications Outil électrique oscillant Multi-XNuméro de modèle Installation ET Retrait DES Feuilles DE Papier Abrasif AssemblagePapier Abrasif Tuyau Instructions dutilisation Min OPM Réglages de la vitesse pour les accessoires Multi-X FeuillusApplications pour lemploi CoupeEnlèvement DU Coulis Raclage PonçageSélection des feuilles de ponçage/meulage Matériau Application Type de grainsDM 2610958399 10-10DM 2610958399 10-10 10/5/10 1057 AM Entretien Cordons de rallongeNettoyage Seguridad del área de trabajo Seguridad eléctricaSeguridad personal Normas de seguridad para herramientas oscilantes MecánicasServicio de ajustes y reparaciones Advertencias de seguridad adicionales Símbolos Símbolo Nombre Designación/explicaciónSímbolos continuación Descripción funcional y especificaciones Herramienta eléctrica oscilante Multi-XCable DE Alimentación Ensamblaje Hoja DE LijarConexión DEL Aditamento DE Extracción DE Polvo Manguera DE4 Ó 1-1/2 PulgadasIntroducción Instrucciones de utilización10,400 Ajustes de velocidad de los accesorios Multi-X Dura PintadaAplicaciones de operación AplicaciónesCorte Remoción DE LechadaRascado LijadoGrano Aplicación Selección de hojas de lija/amolado Material AplicaciónDM 2610958399 10-10DM 2610958399 10-10 10/5/10 1058 AM Mantenimiento Cordones de extensiónLubricacion DE LAS Herramientas Escobillas DE CarbónDM 2610958399 10-10DM 2610958399 10-10 10/5/10 1058 AM Remarques Notas 2610958399

MX25E specifications

The Bosch Power Tools MX25E is a high-performance oscillating multi-tool designed for versatility and efficiency in a variety of applications. It is particularly well-suited for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts who require a reliable tool capable of tackling a range of tasks, from cutting and sanding to scraping and grinding.

One of the standout features of the MX25E is its powerful 2.5 amp motor. This motor provides excellent performance, allowing users to work effortlessly on tough materials such as wood, metal, and even drywall. The tool’s variable speed control allows for adjustment between 8,000 and 20,000 oscillations per minute, giving users the flexibility to select the optimal speed for their specific application. This ensures precise control whether the user is performing delicate tasks or more robust cutting jobs.

The MX25E boasts an innovative Starlock accessory interface, which allows for quick and tool-less accessory changes. This unique system is compatible with a wide range of attachments from various manufacturers, making it easy to switch tasks without wasting time. The tool is designed to minimize vibration and noise during operation, helping to enhance user comfort and productivity, especially during extended use.

Another notable characteristic of the Bosch MX25E is its ergonomic design. The tool features a soft-grip handle that provides a secure and comfortable grip, reducing fatigue during longer projects. Additionally, the compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to handle, ensuring maneuverability in tight spaces.

The integrated blade guard adds an extra layer of safety, allowing users to work with increased confidence. Furthermore, the MX25E features an onboard dust extraction port that can be connected to most standard vacuum systems, keeping the work area clean and minimizing dust exposure.

Durability is also a key aspect of the MX25E’s design. The robust construction ensures that the tool can withstand the rigors of heavy use day in and day out. With its combination of performance, versatility, and user-friendly features, the Bosch Power Tools MX25E stands out as a powerful multi-tool that is ideal for a broad range of professional and home improvement projects. This tool not only meets but often exceeds the expectations of users seeking reliability and superior performance in their toolkit.