Partner Attacks (in Exhibition Mode)
According to a WWF rule, you specify your own wrestler and its partner. Attacks by the partner are called partner attacks. You also specify any one out of the three partner attacks; Type A, Type B, and Type C. You can use a partner attack by pressing any two buttons simultaneously.
Independent Partner Attacks
Only a partner wrestler attacks an opponent. These attacks include a dashing punch/kick, continuous attack, weapon attack, dived attack from a corner, and vital technique.
Two-Platoon Attacks
You (as a wrestler) may try to grapple (or punch or kick) an opponent. After successfully grappling, you and the partner cooperate to do the
Supporting Partner Attacks
The partner does not attack but provides various supporting actions. Such actions include giving of a weapon, increasing of your special gauge number, decreasing of an opponent’s special gauge number, making an opponent groggy, escaping from a pitfall, etc.
NOTE: The Partner Attack are not usable in a

“S” Special Gauge Icon
Special gauge icon is located below a power gauge icon and indicates a “S” number. Saving and increasing of the “S” number enables you to use
HG Attacks (decreasing of “S” number: 1 each)
HG attack is more powerful than a usual one. Such powerful attacks include a dashing attack, attack from a corner, downward attack, etc. and thus are usable in various situations.
Vital Technique (decreasing of “S” number: 3 each)
Every wrestler is given one vital technique (and two lock techniques). Applicable situation of these techniques varies from wrestler to wrestler. One technique is only applicable in a standing position, another for a downed opponent, and the other from a corner. Each vital technique can seriously damage an opponent and even KO a powerless opponent.
Escaping from a Pinch (decreasing of “S” number: 1 each)
You can escape from a pinch such as a pinfall, groggy state, downed state, grappled state, etc.