DC-1 Effects
Mono Logic Mono Logic takes a monaural soundtrack and sends music and sound effects to the sides and rear through a room simulator mode while keeping the dialog in the center.
Mono Logic Parameters | Parameter | Initial Value | Range |
| ROLLOFF | 3.3kHz | 453Hz to 20.0kHz |
| MAIN LEVEL | 8 | |
| SUBWOOFER LVL | +0dB | |
ROLLOFF regulates the treble cut in the side and rear channels. The optimal setting for this parameter will vary widely with the age, quality, and condition of the source material.
ACADEMY FILTER is provided to recreate the proper tonal balance of older monaural films that were recorded with much narrower and duller frequency response than current films.
MAIN LEVEL controls the level of the mono signal that is reproduced by the main speakers. When a center speaker is part of the configuration many films may sound better when this control is set between
SUBWOOFER LVL boosts or cuts the subwoofer output level. Although the normal subwoofer level is set during the calibration procedure, with some recordings it may be desirable to increase or decrease this deep bass level.
EFFECT LEVEL adjusts the loudness of the side and rear speakers. When there are no side speakers, it adjusts the amount of ambient signal mixed into the main loudspeakers.