DC-1 Effects
SURROUND LEVEL controls the volume level of the side and rear speakers. Although we have selected a default value, the correct setting will vary with each recording, the room, and your personal taste.
SIDE ROLLOFF provides a high frequency cutoff for the side speakers. The optimal setting for this control will vary widely with the source material.
REAR ROLLOFF sets the cutoff frequency of a low pass filter in the rear- channel. Frequencies above this setting are attenuated. This control should be set high enough to give presence and airiness to the rear sound without placing distracting instrumental overtones or other sounds behind you. In systems configured without rear speakers, the settings affect the side out- puts.
SUBWOOFER LVL boosts or cuts the subwoofer output level. Although the normal subwoofer level is set during the calibration procedure, with some recordings it may be desirable to increase or decrease this deep bass level.
EFFECT LEVEL adjusts the loudness of the side and rear speakers. When there are no side speakers, it adjusts the amount of ambient signal mixed into the main loudspeakers.