Tefal OV568031 manual ´‡d‡w, ϤϳΧﺳΗﻟ ϥﺣﺻ ﻲϓ ءﺎﻣ ϱ كﺎϧھ دُﻌϳ مﻟ Ϫϧ͉ϥﻣ دϛ΄Η . ًﺎﻣﺎﻣΗ

Page 31

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. ϥ΍ίΧﻟ΍ ﻲϓ و ﻲϠϔﺳﻟ΍

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Image 31
Contents Crousty Delice Grill Cleantech Four avec ou sans vapeur Parois intérieures autonettoyantes * catalyseBeidseitig verwendbarer Ρύθμιση των λειτουργιών * a. Ψήσιμο με ατμό ή χωρίς Forno com ou sem vaporΓκριλ + Περιστροφική ψησταριά Page يدϧΑ ϥﺎﻣί Ϫﻣϛد درϛرﺎϛ 240C 500 ml Max Min Min Min 500 ml Max 60 min 500 ml Max Min Min Min 20 min دϳϧϛ كηΧ Ϫﻟوﺣ كϳ ﺎΑ ر ﻊϳﺎﻣ OV 5270 / 5480 22 L Précautions Importantes FrançaisConsignes DE Sécurité Gardez Précieusement CES ConsignesBelangrijke Voorzorgsmaatregelen NederlandsVeiligheidsinstructies Bewaar Deze Instructies ZorgvuldigWichtige Vorkehrungen DeutschSicherheitshinweise Bewahren SIE Diese Anweisungen GUT AUFLeave it at a local civic waste collection point Important SafeguardsEnglish Keep These InstructionsPrecauzioni Importanti ItalianoConsigli DI Sicurezza Conservate Queste IstruzioniPrecauciones Importantes EspañolConsejos DE Seguridad Conserve Estas InstruccionesPrecauções Importantes PortuguêsInstruções DE Segurança Guarde Estas InstruçõesΣυσκευή σας περιέχει πoλλά αξιοποιησιμα ή ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά Συμβάλλουμε kι εμεiς στηv πρoσтασiα του περιβάλλοςÖnce çevre koruma TurkçeGüvenlİk Talİmatlari Önemlİ TedbİrlerChinese ϤϳΧﺳΗﻟ ϥﺣﺻ ﻲϓ ءﺎﻣ ϱ كﺎϧھ دُﻌϳ مﻟ Ϫϧ͉ϥﻣ دϛ΄Η . ًﺎﻣﺎﻣΗ ´‡d‡wϨﺎﮕΗﺳد رود Ϫϧدί وھ دϳھد ϩίﺎΟ .دϳھد ررϗ دϧϛ لﻣﺣΗ دηﺎΑ ϩدϧﺎﻣϧ ﻲϗﺎΑ ϥίΧﻣ رد و Ϫﺣϔﺻ رد ﻲΑ دϳϧϛ ك̩
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OV568031 specifications

The Tefal OV568031 is a versatile and innovative kitchen appliance that has gained acclaim for its ability to simplify cooking processes while delivering delicious results. This multifunctional oven combines the capabilities of a convection oven, an air fryer, and a dehydrator, making it a valuable addition to any modern kitchen.

One of the standout features of the Tefal OV568031 is its advanced heating technology. The appliance employs a fan-assisted convection system that ensures even heat distribution throughout the cooking chamber. This results in perfectly cooked meals with no hotspots, whether you're roasting, baking, or air frying.

The OV568031 boasts an impressive capacity, accommodating large meals effortlessly. With its generous interior space, you can prepare a whole chicken or multiple servings of vegetables at once, making it ideal for family dinners or entertaining guests.

User-friendliness is a hallmark of the Tefal OV568031. The digital control panel features intuitive settings, allowing users to select from various cooking modes with ease. It comes with pre-programmed recipes that simplify meal preparation, taking the guesswork out of cooking times and temperatures. The integrated timer adds convenience, ensuring that your meals are cooked to perfection.

Health-conscious individuals will appreciate the air frying functionality of the Tefal OV568031. It circulates hot air around food, achieving a crispy texture without the need for excessive oil. This means you can enjoy your favorite fried foods with significantly less fat, making it a great option for healthier eating.

The oven also includes a range of accessories, such as a baking tray, a grill rack, and a rotisserie kit, expanding its versatility even further. Additionally, the appliance is easy to clean, with a non-stick coating that prevents food from sticking and simplifies the cleanup process.

The Tefal OV568031 is also designed with safety in mind. It features an automatic shut-off function, ensuring that the appliance turns off when not in use, preventing accidents.

With its combination of advanced technology, user-friendly features, and versatility, the Tefal OV568031 is an exceptional kitchen appliance that can elevate your cooking experience. Whether you're preparing a quick weeknight dinner or an elaborate feast, this multifunctional oven is sure to become an essential tool in your culinary repertoire.