Managing the Hub
Console Command Reference
Example: To add the network management station with IP address to the list and to send alarms to that station, the process would appear as follows:
Add entry (A), Delete entry (D), or End changes (E): A
Enter Manager Address, or (A) to allow all managers access:
Should this manager receive alarms: (Y/[N]):Y
Add entry (A), Delete entry (D), or End changes (E): E
Current authorized manager list:
ID | Manager Address (IP or IPX) | Receive Alarms? |
0 | All managers allowed | NA |
1 | | YES |
2 |
To delete an entry, specify the ID number in the list corresponding to the network management station to be deleted.
Example: To delete the entry made in the example above, the steps would be:
Add entry (A), Delete entry(D), or End changes (E): D
Enter ID of entry to delete: 1
Add entry (A), Delete entry (D), or End changes (E): E
The table entry with ID 1 would now be a blank line.
To enter a new value that will indicate how much time, in seconds, should lapse between transmissions of CDP messages. Displays the current interval if no time is specified. Acceptable values are decimal numbers from 5 to 900 (seconds). The default value is 60 seconds.
Displays the other devices that are using CDP protocol.
Managing the Hub