HP manual HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

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System Error: ￿￿￿￿22 3 Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿23 3 Chec% X3e(c)de+ a(d )*-ica& ,e(,)+, ￿'edia￿ *i(ch30hee&￿ +efi&&￿ e&e/a-)+￿ *+i'e+ a(d ,e+/ice ,-a-i)(￿ cab&e *a-h f)+ da'age￿ Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿25 3 Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿3￿ 3 Chec% Refi&&￿Se+/ice S-a-i)( I(-e+c)((ec- Cab&e,￿ Re*&ace Refi&& I(-e+c)((ec- PCA￿ Re*&ace Se+/ice S-a-i)( A,,e'b&2￿ Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿3￿ 3 Chec%￿+e*&ace T+ai&i(g Cab&e￿ Pe+f)+' Ca++iage Ca&ib+a-i)(￿ Re*&ace Ca++iage A,,e'b&2￿ Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿32 ￿￿￿￿￿￿XX

E++)+ da-a ￿XX￿:

1 E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e fa( fai&ed￿

2  Se+/ice ,-a-i)( fa( fai&ed￿ 3  B)-h fa(, fai&ed￿

10  E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e fa( i, ,h)+-3ci+c.i-ed￿ 20  Se+/ice S-a-i)( fa( i, ,h)+-3ci+c.i-ed￿ 30  B)-h fa(, a+e ,h)+-3ci+c.i-ed￿

12  Se+/ice S-a-i)( fa( i, ()- +.((i(g a(d -he E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e fa( i, ,h)+-3ci+c.i-ed￿ 21  E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e fa( i, ()- +.((i(g a(d -he Se+/ice S-a-i)( fa( i, ,h)+-3ci+c.i-ed￿

T+2 -he f)&&)0i(g: Chec% -he Se+/ice S-a-i)( fa( i, c)((ec-ed c)++ec-&2￿ If b)-h fa(, fai&￿ +e*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿ If Se+/ice S-a-i)( fa( i, fa.&-2￿ chec% Se+/ice S-a-i)( I(-e+c)((ec- Cab&e￿ Re*&ace Se+/ice S-a-i)( A,,e'b&2￿ Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿33 3 Re*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

System Error: ￿￿￿￿34 000X0000

E++)+ da-a:

00010000  X3a1i, M)-)+ Fai&ed￿

00020000  Y3a1i, M)-)+ Fai&ed￿ 00030000  B)-h DC M)-)+, Fai&ed￿

T+2 -he f)&&)0i(g:

DChec% -ha- b)-h DC M)-)+, a+e c)((ec-ed c)++ec-&2￿

DIf Fa.&-2 Y3a1i, ')-)+:

S Chec% Refi&& I(-e+c)((ec- Cab&e￿ Re*&ace Refi&& I(-e+c)((ec- PCA￿ Re*&ace Y3a1i, M)-)+ A,,e'b&2￿

DIf Fa.&-2 X3a1i, M)-)+ 3 Re*&ace X3a1i, M)-)+ A,,e'b&2 ￿

DIf b)-h DC M)-)+, fai&￿ +e*&ace E&ec-+)(ic, M)d.&e￿

HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

Quick Reference Service Manual 3

Image 5
Contents HP DesignJet 2000CP PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +.&,-# System Error Codes HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesinJet 2500CP only HP DesignJet 2500CP only Service TestsEntering the Servie Tests Diagnostis Menu System D01. EletronisD4. Media Axis X*axis D3. Carriage Axis Y*axisD5. ervice tation D6. efillD09. MIO Presence D08. SensorsD10. Cutter D11. BailD12 Image Quality D15 Clean RollerD13 Printhead ID D14 Printhead ContinuityCalibrations C01. Crrige C04. Service SttionC02. Refill C03. Line SensorC06 Printheads Check C08 Service AccuracyFont Type Set Ony avaiabe in HP DesignJet 2500P printer Maintenance