HP manual HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

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System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Check the Service Station Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Primer Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the air tubes that are connected between the primer assembly and the service station are in the correct position and are not squeezed together￿ Check that the Primer Stepper Motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Service Station interconnect cable￿ Replace Primer Assembly￿ Replace Service Station Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Check if the ink cartridges are installed correctly on the Elevator and that there are no obstacles in the way￿ Check￿replace the Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Elevator Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Elevator Stepper Motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Elevator Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿2 6 Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check Refill Stepper Motor and Sensor cables￿ Check that the Refill stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Refill Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿3 6 Perform the Refill Calibration￿ Check for obstacles in the Refill path￿ Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check the cables for the Refill Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Refill stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Refill Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿4 6 Perform the Service Station Calibration￿ Check that the Service Station flag is installed correctly￿ Check that the Service Station nut is installed correctly￿ The nut is located on the front side of the Service Station￿ just below the Printhead Cleaner holder￿ Check￿replace the Service Station Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Service Station components￿ Check that the Service Station stepper motors are NOT shorted￿ Replace Service Station Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿5 6 Check if the ink cartridges are installed correctly on the Elevator and that there are no obstacles in the way￿ Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Elevator Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Elevator stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Elevator Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿6 6 Perform Refill Calibration￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Switch the printer OFF and ON again and check if the error code disappears￿ If the error code disappears￿ do NOT try to troubleshoot any further￿ Check that the Encoder Strip is NOT damaged or dirty￿ If necessary￿ clean the encoder strip￿ or if damaged￿ replace the Encoder Strip￿ Clean and lubricate the slider rods￿ Replace Y6axis Motor Assembly￿ Replace Tensioner Holder Assembly ￿with spring￿￿ Replace Y6axis belt￿ Replace Carriage Assembly￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Refer to Error Code ￿2￿￿￿￿￿

6 Quick Reference Service Manual

HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

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Contents HP DesignJet 2000CP PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +.&,-# System Error Codes HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers HP DesinJet 2500CP only Service Tests HP DesignJet 2500CP onlyEntering the Servie Tests Diagnostis Menu System D01. EletronisD3. Carriage Axis Y*axis D4. Media Axis X*axisD5. ervice tation D6. efillD08. Sensors D09. MIO PresenceD10. Cutter D11. BailD15 Clean Roller D12 Image QualityD13 Printhead ID D14 Printhead ContinuityCalibrations C04. Service Sttion C01. CrrigeC02. Refill C03. Line SensorC08 Service Accuracy C06 Printheads CheckMaintenance Font Type Set Ony avaiabe in HP DesignJet 2500P printer