Hyperlinks make it easy to jump from place to place on the World Wide Web.
What is the World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web (www) is also known as the Web.
Web Sites and Web Pages
World Wide Web information is grouped in Web sites that are home to one or more Web pages. Web pages can provide text, graphics, animation, audio, and video to your computer.
Many Web pages include hyperlinks, also known as links, that transport your search at the click of a button. A link can be to another place on the same Web page or to another computer halfway around the world.
Hyperlinks often appear in Web pages as coloured, underlined text. You will also find hyperlinks hidden in buttons, pictures, and drawings on a Web page.
When you pass your cursor over a hidden hyperlink, the normal cursor arrow turns into a hand with the thumb and first finger extended.
Click on a hyperlink and discover where it sends you.
These links can move you from page to page, site to site, Web server to Web server - all over he world!
Web Servers
Information on the World Wide Web is stored on computers called Web servers. Web servers are like electronic libraries. Web servers are scattered throughout the world.
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