Using lanadmin
Using the lanadmin
Using the lanadmin -V Command for
Administering VLANs
To configure VLANs, you use either the
If you use the lanadmin command line interface, your configuration will not be preserved after reboots unless you also save the configuration in the vlanconf file by either using SAM or editing it. See “Modifying Parameters in vlanconf File” in this document for the format of the /etc/rc.config.d/vlanconf file.
lanadmin Syntax
If you use the lanadmin command line interface to work with VLANs, you can display the general usage string by typing:
lanadmin -V help
General usage string:
[name <name> (31 characters alphanumeric string)]
[tos_override <level>(IP_HEADER, ETHER_HEADER, CONF_TOS or CONF_PRI,
default IP_HEADER)] [pri_override <level>(CONF_PRI,IP_HEADER
or CONF_TOS, default CONF_PRI)] <ppa>
[tos <ToS value> (range
[name <name> (31 characters alpha numeric string]
[tos_override <level>(IP_HEADER, ETHER_HEADER,
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