HP 28642A manual @Hewlett-Packard Company, 1991. AI1rights rcservcd, Print History

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@Hewlett-Packard Company, 1991. AI1rights rcservcd,

Hewlett-hckard CompanymakesM wsmmty of anykind with regardto this material,btcb~dittg.but not Ihttited lo. the implied warrantiesof merchantability andiitncsr for a panicular purpose. Hewlett-Packardshall My be liable for ertccs containedhe-reinor for incidental or consequentialdamagesiu connectionwith thefumishing,performan~. or useof thismamiai.

This documentcowins proprietary infommticm,which is protectedby copyright. No pan of this documentmaybe photocopied,reproduced,or translatedinto anotherlanguagewitbout theprior writtenconsentof Hewlett-PacM. The inform&m umbined in thii documentis subjectto changewithout notice.

Print History

Edition 1,October 1991

Safety Considerations

The productand relateddocumentadoumusthereviewedfor familiarization with safetymarkingsand irtt~ctions before installationandoperation.

Safety Symbois




lnstntclion manual symbol. If theproductis markedwith tbis symbol. refer to the produc1mamtalsto protecttheproductagainsldamage.

AWARNING denotesa hazardthatcan causepetsonalinjury. A CAUTION denotesa hazardthatcan damageequipment.

Do not proceedbeyonda WARNING or CAUTION notice until you haveunderstoodthe hazardousconditionsandhavetakenappropriatesteps.


Tbe computerin which thii productis installedis a safety classI productandhasa protectiveearthing terminal. There mustbeanuninterruptiblesafetyearth groundfromthe mainpowersourceto Ihe product’sinput wiring terminals,powercord,or suppliedpowercordset. Wheneveril is likely that the Protectionhasbeenimpaired,dionuect the powercord until thegroundhasbeenrestored.


Any servicing, adjustment.maintenanceor. repairmustbe performedonly by autborizcdservice-trained -1.

Hewlett-Packard Company

Roseville Networks Division, Roseville, CA 95678

Image 3
Contents HP 28642A HP-PB Scsi HP 28655A HP-PB SCSI/ Parallel 5960-3126 El091 HP HPSafety Considerations @Hewlett-Packard Company, 1991. AI1rights rcservcdPrint History Installation and S&vice HP 28642A and HP 28655A at a Glance Product Description This Book Table of Contents Page Installing HP 28642A/28655AAdapter Lnstalllng the HP 28642A/28655A Adapter Prepare to Install the Adapter Card Observe Antlstatic PrecautionsVerify Product Contents Record Adapter Card Identification Information Gather Tools and Accessories NeededDependent requirements that are not noted here Peripheral to 92222ATable l-l. Scsi Cables LengthsDescription meters Create Data corruption Installing the AdapterShut Down the System and SwZtch Off the Computer RemoveCheck the Card’s Hardware Configuration Set the Desired Parity-Checking CapabUity Figure l-4. Default Switch Settings Installing the AdapterAddress = closed = open Installing the Adapter l-9Set the Scsi Bus Address Scsi BusTwo resistor packsmust be installed Verify that Resistor Packs are Properly InstalledSelect an Appropriate Slot Install and Connect the CardHP-Pa Standard Power Symbol Record the Slot Number Computer hardware limitations for l/O cards, if anySystemperformance implications, if any Prepare the Slot For Use Ignment Hole Page Insert the Card into the Slot Card guides. If the problem persists,get helpAttach the Card Cables Supplied with this product provides a thumbscrew connectorProperly on the SCSIbus Installing the Adapter l-19Connect Your Peripheral Devices Connect Your Single-Ended Scsi DevicesTerminate the Scsi Bus Device operation on the SCSIbus Scsi Cable Length Example 12. Scsi Bus Example Installing the AdapterTwo meters TurnPowerOn to Peripherals, Then to the ComputerConnect Your Parallel Device, If Applicable Reassemble your computerSignal Name 24Installing the AdapterIn/Out Pin25 Data corruption or loss,or damageto hardware Turn Power On to Peripherals, Then to the ComputerSet Up the Operating System HP-UX SystemsMPE XL Systems Verify Operation ServiceInformation Service Information Flgure 2-1. Location of Board Component FRUs Exchange AssemblyExchange adapter card assembly Field Replaceable UnitsOther FRUs Board ComponentsTroubleshooting Tools Should be performed by authorized servicepersonnel onlySelf-lestFailure Boot failure occurs Self-Test Failure LEDOperation. Refer to your systemreference manuals Troubleshooting Checklist Scsipba and Centpba DiagnosticsDoes any device require a special SCSIterminator? Removal/Replacement Instructions For card removal, follow the procedures below Removal/Replacement of the CardService Information 2-l Removal/Replacement of Card ComponentsMinimize touching the connector pins Also be determined from the,scsipbadiagnosticType and rating Damagewasextensive, you may need a new componentDiagnostic Flgure 2-3. Replacing the Termpwr Fuse Service InformationCan continue to operate normally Reshipment Guidelines Technical Specifications General1green IPhysical IEnvironmental IElectrical +5 VdcConfiguration GlossaryAmerican National StandardsInstitute Backplane FRU HP-PB Host adapter SeeadapterComplies with the Scsi specification X3.131 Glossary Parallel portPrecision Bus See HP-PB SCSI-2 Termination Index t IndexCard version...14 CableHP Precision Bus SeeHP-PB HP-PB Identification information...l-4 installingPart number...2-3 Field replaceable units se-eFRUS FRUs...2-3Loopback hood...2-4 Physical specifications...2-16 IndexSelf-test failure LED...2-6 shut down PowerProduct contents...13 Resistor pack...&10Ylrlbo~ Storing adapter cards...l-3 switchDuring installation/removal..J-6,1-19,2-10 Troubleshooting..2-85960-3126 El091