Help for the Configuration
To facilitate the management of the router in the system view, all the commands are grouped. Each group corresponds to a view. Users can use these commands to switch between different views. Many commands are limited to use in a single view. Other commands (such as ping, display
Router 5000 Family routers provide online Help for the command line interface:
■In any view, enter ? for all the commands in the view and a brief description of each command.
■Enter a command, followed by a space and ?, in the keyword position for a list of all keywords and a brief description of each one.
■Enter a command, followed by a space and ?, in the argument position for a description of related arguments.
■Enter a character string, followed by a space and ?, for a list of all commands that begin with the character string.
■Enter a command, followed by a character string and ?, for a list of all keywords that begin with the string.
Naming and Arranging Interfaces
The Router 5000 FamilyRouter 5000 Family routers support the following ports:
■Serial (synchronous/asynchronous)
The sequence number of each type of port begins with 0.
Inside the interface card, the order of the interface is arranged by serial numbers on the interface card, from left to right.