Before arriving at the job site to begin the installation, it's important to first inspect the system and determine what materials you will need. Some parts are includ- ed with the controller while others you will need to provide.
1Control Box
1Temperature Sensor
1Valve assembly with actuator (Shipped separately)
Wiring and mounting hardware (Provided by installer)
Check the Power Source
CAUTION: Do not use for swimming pool applica- tions
WARNING: Using a
Fig. 1: Wiring Connections
Check the power source:
AC = 108 VAC Minimum, 132 VAC MAX
AB = 108 VAC Minimum, 132 VAC MAX
BC = <1 VAC Maximum
Mounting the Control Box
The control box should be mounted on the side of the heater to which the system piping and valve assembly are to be attached. The controller should be mounted
Fig. 2: Multi-meter
so as to provide maximum support by using the mounting holes provided on the base of the controller to the side center brace on the heater. You will need to drill mounting holes and holes through the heater side panel for the routing of wiring and the sensor. A tem- plate is supplied for
Attaching the Temperature Sensor
Avoid routing wiring on or near other electrical wires, conduit, motors, spark igniters or other sources of high, intermittent voltage or current. The sensor should be placed in the dry well on the inlet header. Ensure it is installed using thermopaste (field supplied) and it is held firmly at the bottom of the well.
Connecting the Valve
Connect valve assembly “T CONNECTION “ into the piping with the actuator input wiring facing the heater side panel, as shown below. Route wiring to the con- trol thru the bottom panel knockouts to TB2. Refer to the wiring diagram provided on the inside of control cover assembly.
NOTE: Four knockouts are located on the bottom of the control for ease of installation.