Samsung EC-ES10ZBBA/ES manual NL-7, De camera inschakelen, Druk op Power, Om Date & Time te

Page 57


De camera inschakelen


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] om Language te selecteren en


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] of [

] om een taal te






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] of [

] om Date & Time te




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] of [ ] om een onderdeel te selecteren.


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] of [

] om het getal te wijzigen






of een andere datumnotatie te selecteren en


druk vervolgens op [



Druk op [



] of [

] om Battery Type te






selecteren en druk vervolgens op [


Druk op [



] of [

] om een batterijtype te




selecteren en druk vervolgens op [


Opties selecteren


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Gebruik de navigatieknoppen om naar een


optie of menu te scrollen.



























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] of [

] om naar links of rechts te













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] of [

] om omhoog of omlaag te




















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] om de gemarkeerde keuze te












▪▪ Druk op [


] om naar het vorige menu terug





te gaan.








Image 57
Contents Quick Start Manual Contents English Camera layout Unpacking Optional accessoriesInserting the battery and memory card With the gold-colouredContacts facing up Selecting options Turning on your cameraAutomatically Press To select Align your subject in the framePress Shutter all the way down to take the photo Taking a photoViewing photos Viewing videosUse the following buttons to control playback Connect the camera to the PC with the USB Cable Disconnecting safely for Windows XPSpecifications Hinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit InhaltDE-2 Gesundheit… ………………… Aufbau der Kamera… ………Achtung DE-3DE-4 Aufbau der KameraDE-5 Inbetriebnahme der KameraAuspacken Optionales ZubehörAkku und Speicherkarte einsetzen DE-6Mit den goldfarbenen Kontakten nach oben WeisendKamera einschalten DE-7DE-8 Fotos und Videos aufnehmenDrücken Sie Um zu wählen Automatisch zu fokussierenDateien wiedergeben SymbolenDE-9 Fotos anzeigenDE-10 Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragen→ Wechseldatenträger → Dcim → Sicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XPDE-11 Technische DatenGewicht BetriebstemperaturInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité SommaireFR-2 Informations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité………FR-3 Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soinsProtégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire FR-4 Présentation de lappareil photoAssemblage de votre appareil photo Accessoires en optionFR-5 Contenu du coffretFR-6 Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoireVers le haut Mise en route de lappareil FR-7FR-8 Prise de vues photo ou vidéoFR-9 Lecture de fichiersAppuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiers Affichage des vidéosFR-10 Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsSaffichent Débranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XPFR-11 CaractéristiquesContenido Información sobre salud y seguridadES-2 Utilice y deseche las baterías y los cargadores con cuidado ES-3Precauciones Utilice y guarde la cámara con cuidado y de manera prudenteES-4 Diseño de la cámaraES-5 Configuración de la cámaraDesembalaje Accesorios opcionalesInsertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria ES-6Con los contactos de Color dorado hacia arribaEncender la cámara ES-7ES-8 Captura de fotografías o vídeosES-9 Reproducción de archivosVer fotografías Pulse Para desplazarse por los ArchivosPara Windows XP ES-10ES-11 EspecificacionesInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza ContenutoIT-2 Specifiche……………………Attenzione IT-3IT-4 Layout fotocameraPreparazione della fotocamera Accessori opzionaliIT-5 Apertura dellimballaggioIT-6 Inserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoriaRivolti verso lalto Come accendere la fotocamera IT-7IT-8 Cattura di foto o videoIT-9 Riproduzione di fileVisualizzazione delle fotografie Premete Per scorrere i fileIT-10 Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsDisco rimovibile → Dcim → 100SSCAM Disconnessione sicura per Windows XPIT-11 SpecificheSensore immagini ObiettivoInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid InhoudsopgaveNL-2 Specificaties… ………………De camera voorzichtig en verstandig behandelen en opslaan VoorzichtigNL-4 Camera-indelingUw camera gereedmaken voor gebruik Optionele accessoiresNL-5 UitpakkenDe batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen NL-6De goudkleurige Contactpunten wijzen Naar bovenOm Battery Type te Druk op PowerNL-7 De camera inschakelenNL-8 Foto’s en videos makenEen foto nemen Te makenNL-9 Bestanden afspelenScrollen Videos bekijkenBestanden overzetten naar een pc Windows NL-10Veilig loskoppelen voor Windows XP Specificaties NL-11Gewicht Bedrijfstemperatuur Sumário Layout da câmera… ………… Configurando sua câmera……Informações de saúde e segurança PT-2Manipule e descarte baterias e carregadores com cuidado PT-3Cuidados Manipule e armazene sua câmera com cuidadoPT-4 Layout da câmeraPT-5 Configurando sua câmeraDesembalando Acessórios opcionaisInserindo a bateria e o cartão de memória PT-6Com os contatos Dourados voltados para CimaLigando a câmera PT-7PT-8 Capturando fotos ou vídeosPT-9 Reproduzindo arquivosvExibindo fotos Pressione Ou para percorrer os ArquivosPT-10 Transferindo arquivos para um PC WindowsDesconectando com segurança Windows XP Disco removível → Dcim → 100SSCAMPT-11 EspecificaçõesAD68-03891A
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The Samsung EC-ES10ZBDA/AE, EC-ES10ZPDA/AE, EC-ES10ZBBA/SA, EC-ES10ZSBA/ZA, and EC-ES10ZBBA/E1 are part of Samsung's innovative line of digital cameras, distinguished by their sleek design, user-friendly features, and high-quality imaging capabilities. These models cater to both amateur photographers and seasoned enthusiasts, offering an array of options to capture every moment with clarity and precision.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES10 series is the 10.1-megapixel CCD sensor, which provides exceptional image quality and detail. This high-resolution sensor ensures that even the finest textures are captured, making each photograph vibrant and lifelike. Coupled with the F2.5 lens, these models excel in low-light conditions, allowing users to take stunning photographs even in challenging environments.

The cameras are equipped with Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which intelligently analyzes the shooting conditions and automatically optimizes settings, ensuring that every shot is perfectly rendered. The feature works seamlessly across various scene modes, such as portrait, landscape, and macro, making it effortless to achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort.

In addition to still photography, the EC-ES10 series supports HD video recording, enabling users to capture memorable moments in motion. With a resolution of 720p, videos are smooth and crisp, and the built-in digital stabilizer further enhances video quality by reducing blurriness caused by handshake.

Another significant aspect is the cameras' compact and lightweight design, making them highly portable for on-the-go photography. The sleek, stylish body is not only visually appealing but also ergonomically designed for comfortable handling. This makes it easy to capture spontaneous moments without the burden of bulky equipment.

The user interface is designed with simplicity in mind, featuring a 2.7-inch LCD screen that provides a clear display for framing shots and reviewing images. The intuitive menu system ensures that all functions are easily accessible, allowing users to navigate settings and features without confusion.

For storage, the EC-ES10 series utilizes SD/SDHC memory cards, offering flexible options for expanding storage capacity. This ensures that users can capture countless images and videos, perfect for both casual outings and extended trips.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES10ZBDA/AE, EC-ES10ZPDA/AE, EC-ES10ZBBA/SA, EC-ES10ZSBA/ZA, and EC-ES10ZBBA/E1 digital cameras combine cutting-edge technology, user-friendly design, and outstanding imaging capabilities, making them ideal choices for anyone looking to enhance their photographic experience.