Samsung EC-ST550ZBPGRU manual Configuración de la cámara, ES-5, Desembalaje, Accesorios opcionales

Page 35

Configuración de la cámara



Fuente de alimentación/ Batería recargable



Cable USB




Manual de inicio rápido

CD-ROM del manual



del usuario


Accesorios opcionales

En venta como kit


Estuche para la

Tarjeta de memoria

Cable A/V

Cable HDMI/

Control remoto




Adaptador HDMI







04_ST550_QSM_SPA.indd 5

2009-09-15 오후 6:25:57

Image 35
Contents Quick Start Manual Health and safety information ContentsDamage ports, connectors, and accessories Installing batteries and memory cards. ForcingCamera layout Unpacking Setting up your cameraFacing up Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the batteryWith the gold Horizontally Turning on your cameraYour camera for the first time Taking a photo Taking a photo using the front displayCapturing photos or videos Viewing videos Playing filesRecording a video Viewing photosAutoPlay window Transferring files to a PC WindowsTurn on the camera Select a folder on your computer to save new filesSpecifications Hinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit… ………………… InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit DE-2Achtung Mikrofon Aufbau der KameraDE-4 Akkufachabdeckung Vorderes Display BlitzOptionales Zubehör Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-5 AuspackenAkku aufladen DE-6Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen Touchscreen verwenden Drücken Sie POWER, um die Kamera ein- oder ausschaltenDE-7 Kamera einschaltenMit dem vorderen Display fotografieren DE-8Fotografieren Fotos anzeigen Dateien wiedergebenDE-9 Video aufzeichnenAn einen Computer an Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenDE-10 Wählen Sie JaDE-11 Technische DatenÉcran tactile… …………………… Prise de vues photo ou vidéo… SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité FR-2Protégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire FR-3Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins FR-4 Présentation de lappareil photoContenu du coffret Assemblage de votre appareil photoFR-5 Chargement de la batterie FR-6Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoire Est orienté vers le Vers le haut HautÉcran tactile FR-7Mise en route de lappareil photo Prendre une photo à laide de lécran frontal Prise de vues photo ou vidéoFR-8 Prendre une photoVisionner des photos Lecture de fichiersFR-9 Filmer une séquence vidéoDu câble USB Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsFR-10 Sélectionnez OuiFR-11 Batterie rechargeable Dimensions l x h x p PoidsCaractéristiques Información sobre salud y Seguridad… …………………… ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad ES-2Precauciones ES-3ES-4 Diseño de la cámaraAccesorios opcionales Configuración de la cámaraES-5 DesembalajeQuitar la batería ES-6Insertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria Cargar la bateríaUsar la pantalla táctil Pulse Power para encender o apagar la cámaraES-7 Encender la cámaraTomar una fotografía con la pantalla frontal ES-8Tomar una fotografía Ver fotografías Reproducción de archivosES-9 Grabar un vídeoEncienda la cámara Transferencia de archivos a un ordenador para WindowsES-10 Seleccione SíPeso Batería recargable DimensionesEspecificaciones ES-11Sicurezza… …………………… ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza IT-2Attenzione IT-3Microfono Layout fotocameraIT-4 Apertura dellimballaggio Accessori opzionaliPreparazione della fotocamera IT-5Rivolto verso lalto Rivolti verso lalto IT-6Inserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoria Con il logo SamsungUtilizzo dello schermo tattile Premete Power per accendere o spegnere la fotocameraIT-7 Come accendere la fotocameraScatto di una foto mediante il display anteriore Cattura di foto o videoIT-8 Scattare una fotoVisualizzazione delle fotografie Riproduzione di fileIT-9 Registrazione di un videoAccendete la fotocamera Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsIT-10 Collegate la fotocamera al computer con il cavo USBIT-11 Batteria ricaricabile Dimensioni L x a x P PesoSpecifiche Informatie over gezondheid InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid NL-2Voorzichtig Batterijklep Scherm aan de voorzijde Flitser Luidspreker AF-hulplampje/timerlampje LensCamera-indeling NL-4Uitpakken Optionele accessoiresUw camera gereedmaken voor gebruik NL-5Wijst naar boven Contactpunten NL-6De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen Het Samsung-logoHet aanraakscherm gebruiken Druk op Power om de camera in of uit te schakelenNL-7 De camera inschakelenEen foto maken met behulp van het scherm aan de voorzijde Foto’s en videos makenNL-8 Een foto makenFotos weergeven Bestanden afspelenNL-9 Een video opnemenComputer. U kunt nu het programma Intelli-studio gebruiken Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsNL-10 Schakel de cameraBeeldsensor Lens Scherm Scherpstelling Sluitertijd Opslag SpecificatiesNL-11 Informações de saúde e Segurança……………………… SumárioInformações de saúde e segurança PT-2Cuidados PT-4 Layout da câmeraAcessórios opcionais Configurando sua câmeraPT-5 DesembalandoPara cima PT-6 slotInserindo a bateria e o cartão de memória Com o logotipo da Com os contatos Samsung voltadoUsando a tela sensível ao toque Pressione Power para ligar ou desligar sua câmeraPT-7 Ligando a câmeraTirando uma foto usando a tela frontal Capturando fotos ou vídeosPT-8 Tirando uma fotoExibindo fotos Reproduzindo arquivosPT-9 Gravando um vídeoSobre o Intelli-studio Transferindo arquivos para um PC WindowsPT-10 Ligue a câmeraUmidade de operação 85 % EspecificaçõesPT-11 Dimensões L x a x P 99,8 x 59,8 x 18,6 mm PesoST550QSMEUR1.indb AD68-04212A 2009-09-14 오후
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The Samsung EC-ST550 series comprises several models, including the EC-ST550ZBPLRU, EC-ST550ZBPORU, EC-ST550ZBPGRU, and EC-ST550ZBPBRU. These compact digital cameras are designed to cater to photography enthusiasts seeking versatility and quality in a portable package.

One of the standout features of the ST550 series is its Dual Screen design. This innovative technology includes a front-facing LCD screen, making it ideal for self-portraits and group shots, ensuring that users can frame their images perfectly without guesswork. The main LCD screen is a 3.0-inch display that provides a clear and vibrant view for composing images and navigating through settings.

The camera boasts a powerful 14.2 megapixel sensor, which captures detailed images in various lighting conditions. Coupled with a 5x optical zoom lens, users can get close to the action without sacrificing image quality. This flexibility is perfect for a range of situations, from wide landscapes to intimate portraits.

In addition to its impressive hardware, the ST550 series incorporates several advanced shooting modes and features. Smart Auto mode automatically selects the best settings based on the shooting conditions, making it easier for beginners to capture stunning images with minimal effort. Other features include various scene modes and special effects such as Beauty Shot, which enhances skin tones and improves facial features.

The ST550 also supports HD video recording, allowing users to capture their memories in high-definition. The video functionality complements its still photography capabilities, making it a versatile choice for those who wish to document their lives through both photos and videos.

Connectivity is another significant aspect of this camera series. Built-in Wi-Fi functionality allows for easy sharing of images and videos to social media platforms, email, or compatible devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

Overall, Samsung’s EC-ST550ZBPLRU, EC-ST550ZBPORU, EC-ST550ZBPGRU, and EC-ST550ZBPBRU cameras combine user-friendly features with advanced technology, making them excellent choices for anyone looking to elevate their photography game. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting, these cameras offer a blend of creativity, ease of use, and functionality.