Samsung EC-WB650ZDPAAS, EC-WB650ZBPBE1, EC-WB660ZBDBE1, EC-WB650ZBPAE3 manual Especificaciones, ES-11

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Sensor de imagen




Velocidad del obturador


Conector de entrada de CC

Batería recargable


(alto x ancho x profundidad)


Temperatura de funcionamiento Humedad de funcionamiento

Tipo: 1/2,3" (aprox. 1,10 cm) CCD

Píxeles reales: aproximadamente 12,0 megapíxeles

Píxeles totales: aproximadamente 14,2 megapíxeles

Distancia focal : Lente Schneider-KREUZNACH f = de 3,9 a 58,5 mm (equivalente en

película de 35 mm : de 24 a 360 mm), Zoom óptico de 15X

Rango de apertura del objetivo: F3,2 (W) y F5,8 (T)

AMOLED 3,0" (7,62 cm) VGA 614,400 puntos

Enfoque automático TTL (Multi afAF, Af cCentral, Selección AF, Estabilización AF, Enfoque manual, AF de detección de rostros, AF de reconocimiento de rostros)

Auto: de 1 a 1/2,000 seg.

Manual: 16 - 1/2,000 seg.

Nocturno: de 8 a 1/2,000 seg.

Fuegos Artificiales: 2 segundos

Memoria interna: aprox. 128 MB

Memoria externa (opcional): tarjeta SD (hasta 2 GB garantizados), tarjeta SDHC (hasta 8 GB garantizados)

Es posible que la capacidad de la memoria interna no coincida con estas especifcaciones.

20 pines, 4,4 V

Batería de litio (SLB-11A, 1,130 mAh)

106,6 x 60,5 x 28 mm

214,6 g (sin la batería ni la tarjeta de memoria)

entre 0 y 40 ˚C

5 - 85 %



Image 41
Contents Quick Start Manual Health and safety information ContentsProtect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage Camera layout Camera AC adapter/USB cable Rechargeable battery Setting up your cameraCamera case Memory cards Cable Battery Charger UnpackingFacing up Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the batteryWith the gold-coloured Contacts facing up Turning on your camera Selecting options Recording a video Capturing photos or videosTaking a photo Viewing videos Playing filesViewing photos Connect the camera to your computer with the USB cable Transferring files to a PC WindowsTurn on the camera Select a folder on your computer to save new filesImage sensor Lens Display Focusing Shutter speed Storage SpecificationsHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit InhaltDE-2 Hinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit… …………………Achtung DE-3DE-4 Aufbau der KameraDE-5 Inbetriebnahme der KameraAuspacken Optionales ZubehörAkku und Speicherkarte einsetzen Akku aufladen DE-6Mit den goldfarbenen Kontakten nach obenOptionen auswählen DE-7Kamera einschalten Video aufzeichnen DE-8Fotografieren DE-9 Dateien wiedergebenFotos anzeigen Drücken Sie PDE-10 Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenSchalten Sie die Kamera ein Wählen Sie JaDE-11 Technische DatenInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité SommaireFR-2 Lecture de fichiers… ………… Transfert de fichiers versProtégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire FR-3Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins FR-4 Présentation de lappareil photoMode demploi CD-ROM Accessoires en optionAssemblage de votre appareil photo FR-5Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoire FR-6La puce est Le logo Orientée vers Le haut Orienté versSélection des options FR-7Mise en route de lappareil Prise de vues Prise de vues photo ou vidéoFR-8 FR-9 Lecture de fichiersVisionner des photos Appuyez sur PFR-10 Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsBranchez lappareil photo à lordinateur à laide du câble USB Allumez lappareil photoFR-11 CaractéristiquesInformación sobre salud y seguridad ContenidoES-2 Información sobre salud y Seguridad… ……………………Precauciones ES-3ES-4 Diseño de la cámaraES-5 Configuración de la cámaraDesembalaje Accesorios opcionalesCon los contactos de ES-6Color dorado hacia De Samsung Arriba Hacia arriba Con el logotipoEncender la cámara ES-7Selección de opciones En el modo de disparo, pulse mTomar una fotografía ES-8Gire el selector de modos hasta p Alinee el sujeto en el marcoES-9 Reproducción de archivosVer fotografías Pulse PES-10 Transferencia de archivos a un ordenador para WindowsConecte la cámara a su ordenador con el cable USB Encienda la cámaraES-11 EspecificacionesInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza ContenutoIT-2 Informazioni sulla salute e La sicurezza… …………………Attenzione IT-3IT-4 Layout fotocameraPreparazione della fotocamera Accessori opzionaliIT-5 Apertura dellimballaggioCon il logo IT-6Verso l’alto Come rimuovereCome accendere la fotocamera IT-7Premete D o M per selezionare Time Zone e premete tIT-8 Cattura di foto o videoScattare una foto Allineate il soggetto al riquadroIT-9 Riproduzione di fileVisualizzazione delle fotografie Visualizzazione dei videoIT-10 Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsCollegate la fotocamera al computer con il cavo USB Accendete la fotocameraIT-11 Batteria ricaricabile Dimensioni L x a x P PesoSpecifiche Informatie over gezondheid en veiligheid InhoudsopgaveNL-2 Informatie over gezondheidVoorzichtig NL-3NL-4 Camera-indelingNL-5 Uw camera gereedmaken voor gebruikUitpakken Camera AC-adapter/USB-kabel Oplaadbare batterijDe batterij verwijderen NL-6De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen De batterij opladen Opties selecteren NL-7De camera inschakelen NL-8 Foto’s en videos makenEen foto nemen Een video opnemenNL-9 Bestanden afspelenFotos weergeven Videos bekijkenNL-10 Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsSluit de camera op de computer aan met de USB-kabel Schakel de cameraGewicht SpecificatiesNL-11 Sumário Layout da câmera… ………… Configurando sua câmera… …Informações de saúde e segurança PT-2Cuidados PT-3PT-4 Layout da câmeraPT-5 Configurando sua câmeraDesembalando Acessórios opcionaisCom os contatos Com o logotipo PT-6Da Samsung CimaSelecionando opções PT-7Ligando a câmera PT-8 Capturando fotos ou vídeosTirando uma foto Gravando um vídeoPT-9 Reproduzindo arquivosExibindo fotos Exibindo vídeosPT-10 Transferindo arquivos para um PC WindowsConecte a câmera ao seu computador com um cabo USB Ligue a câmeraPT-11 EspecificaçõesAD68-04748A
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The Samsung EC-WB650ZBPBE3 and EC-WB650ZBPAE3 represent a blend of advanced photography technology and user-friendly design, appealing to both amateur photographers and enthusiasts. These models are part of Samsung's WB series, known for their compact size and powerful features that enhance the shooting experience.

One of the standout features of the WB650 series is its impressive 15x optical zoom lens, allowing users to capture distant subjects with remarkable clarity and detail. This lens is complemented by a 24mm wide-angle view, making it versatile for a range of photography styles, from landscapes to close-ups. The higher optical zoom capability helps in delivering high-quality images without compromising on resolution.

Incorporating a 14.2-megapixel image sensor, the WB650 ensures sharp, vivid images. The resolution provides the ability to crop photos without losing significant detail, making it suitable for large prints and creative applications. The back-illuminated CMOS sensor enhances performance in low-light environments, reducing noise and improving picture quality in challenging lighting conditions.

Another significant aspect of the WB650 series is its intelligent scene recognition feature, which automatically adjusts settings according to the scene being shot. This technology takes the guesswork out of photography, enabling users to capture optimal shots effortlessly.

The models also boast a range of shooting modes, including Smart Auto, which detects scenes and applies the best settings for the best outcome. Users can explore options like panoramic shots, and various scene modes designed for specific environments or subjects.

Furthermore, the EC-WB650ZBPBE3 and EC-WB650ZBPAE3 come equipped with HD video recording capabilities, allowing users to capture stunning videos at 720p resolution. This feature enhances the overall functionality of these cameras, enabling users to transition seamlessly between still photography and videography.

In terms of design, both models feature a sleek, ergonomic body that is easy to handle and carry, making them ideal for on-the-go photography. The high-resolution LCD screen provides a clear view for composing shots and accessing the camera’s settings.

Overall, the Samsung EC-WB650ZBPBE3 and EC-WB650ZBPAE3 combine innovative technology with user-friendly features, making them excellent choices for anyone looking to improve their photography skills while enjoying the convenience of a compact camera.