Choosing the installation location
Indoor unit
ffInstall the unit at a place close to the wall facing the outside as it is necessary to perform piing connection with the outdoor unit.
ffInstall the unit at a place where there is no obstacle against the wind around the air intake and air outlet. ffAvoid a place near the door which is frequently used by people.
ffAvoid a place exposed to direct sunlight. (If it is unavoidable, install a sunshade).
❋❋Install it on even ground.
•Make sure there is no abnormal operation or noise generation.
•If installed on uneven ground, water may overflow.
Outdoor unit
ffAvoid a place exposed to direct sunlight. (If it is unavoidable, install a sunshade). ffA place free from the risk of combustible gas leakage.
ffA place which can bear the weight of the unit.
ffA place which can bear the fixing strength of the outdoor unit. ffAvoid a place exposed to oil (including machine oil) ffAvoid a saline place.
ffAvoid a place exposed to sulfide gas (hot spring zone).
ffA place where discharged air and noise of the outdoor unit does not disturb the neighborhood.
ffA place where strong wind does not head against the air outlet of the outdoor unit.
❋❋Do not install the outdoor unit on a unstable places (such as rooftop). If installation is unavoidable, make sure that you fixed the unit firmly. Avoid places where strong wind or storm can possibly knock down the product (such as seashore or place with frequent storm)
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