Quadra-Fire 31M-ACC-GT Operating Instructions, Burning Process, Wood Selection & Storage

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3100 Wood Stove Series (ACC)



















Operating Instructions


































Fire Safety





To provide reasonable fire safety, the following should be

Fire Risk




given serious consideration:

Do NOT store wood:





1. Install at least one smoke detector on each floor of

• Closer than required clearances to com-





bustibles to appliance





your home to ensure your safety. They should be

• Within space required for loading or ash





located away from the heating appliance and close






to the sleeping areas. Follow the smoke detector

Do NOT operate appliance:





manufacturer’s placement and installation instructions,

• With appliance door open.





and be sure to maintain regularly.

• With ash removal system door open.




2. A conveniently located Class A fire extinguisher











to contend with small fires resulting from burning












Fire Risk.


3. A practiced evacuation plan, consisting of at least two


Do NOT burn wet or green wood.



escape routes.



Store wood in dry location.


4. A plan to deal with a chimney fire as follows:


Stack wood so both ends are exposed to air.



In the event of a chimney fire:

Wet, unseasoned wood can cause accumulation of










a.Notify fire department


Prepare occupants for immediate evacuation.


C. Burning Process



Close all openings into the stove.




In recent years there has been an increasing concern about

d. While awaiting fire department, watch for ignition


of adjacent combustibles from overheated stove

air quality. Much of the blame for poor air quality has been


pipe, hot embers or sparks from the chimney.


placed on the burning of wood for home heating. In order to




improve the situation, we at Quadra-Fire have developed

B. Wood Selection & Storage


cleaner-burning woodstoves that surpass the requirements




for emissions established by our governing agencies. These

Burn only dry seasoned wood. Store wood under cover, out

woodstoves, like any other appliances, must be properly

operated in order to insure that they perform the way they are

of the rain and snow. Dry and well-seasoned wood will not

designed to perform. Improper operation can turn most any

only minimize the chance of creosote formation, but will give

wood stove into a smoldering environmental hazard.

you the most efficient fire. Even dry wood contains at least



15% moisture by weight, and should be burned hot enough

1. Kindling or First Stage


to keep the chimney hot for as long as it takes to dry the


wood out - about one hour. It is a waste of energy to burn

It helps to know a little about the actual process of burning in

unseasoned wood of any kind.


order to understand what goes on inside a stove. The first

Dead wood lying on the forest floor should be considered wet,

stage of burning is called the kindling stage. In this stage, the

wood is heated to a temperature high enough to evaporate the

and requires full seasoning time. Standing dead wood can

moisture which is present in all wood. The wood will reach

be considered to be about 2/3 seasoned. To tell if wood is

the boiling point of water (212°F) and will not get any hotter

dry enough to burn, check the ends of the logs. If there are

until the water is evaporated. This process takes heat from

cracks radiating in all directions from the center, it is dry. If

the coals and tends to cool the appliance.


your wood sizzles in the fire, even though the surface is dry,

Fire requires three things to burn - fuel, air and heat. So, if

it may not be fully cured.



heat is robbed from the appliance during the drying stage,




Splitting wood before it is stored reduces drying time. Wood

the new load of wood has reduced the chances for a good

clean burn. For this reason, it is always best to burn dry,

should be stacked so that both ends of each piece are

seasoned firewood. When the wood isn’t dry, you must

exposed to air, since more drying occurs through the cut ends

open the air controls and burn at a high burn setting for a

than the sides. This is true even with wood that has been

longer time to start it burning. The heat generated from the

split. Store wood under cover, such as in a shed, or covered

fire should be warming your home and establishing the flue

with a tarp, plastic, tar paper, sheets of scrap plywood, etc.,

draft, not evaporating the moisture out of wet, unseasoned

as uncovered wood can absorb water from rain or snow,

wood, resulting in wasted heat.


delaying the seasoning process.












March 2, 2007


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Contents Pedestal Model Shown Step Top Uni-Body Model Millennium ModelFire Risk Welcome to the Quadra-Fire Family Wood Stove Series ACCTable of Contents BTU & Efficiency Specifications Listing and Code ApprovalsAppliance Certification Mobile Home ApprovedService / Maintenance Tip Fire SafetyAsphyxiation Risk Any such action that may cause a fire hazard Fire RiskWood Stove Series ACC Negative Pressure Appliance needs to draft properly for safetyVenting Systems Wood Stove Series ACC Flue Draft ConsiderationsTools And Supplies Needed Inspect Appliance & Components and Pre-Use Check ListMasonry Chimney Wood Stove Series ACC Typical Stove SystemsAppliance Dimensions 3Dimensions and ClearancesMillennium Model 34-1/4 in mm 457mm 14-15/16 19-1/16 in.379mm 484mm 33-1/8 Double Wall Pipe Wood Stove Series ACC Clearances to Combustibles UL and ULCHearth Protection Requirements InstallationMillennium Model See FigureWood Stove Series ACC Step-Top Uni-Body Model Items Needed for Installation not supplied Wood Stove Series ACC Outside Air Kit InstallationFire Risk Asphyxiation Risk Shock Risk Wood Stove Series ACC Blower OptionalVenting Components Chimney Systems 5Chimney RequirementsAir Clearances ComponentsInstructions Solid Pack Chimney with Metal Supports as a ThimbleSolid Pack Chimney with Metal Supports as a Thimble Cont’d Installing Chimney ComponentsChimney Height / Rise and Run Rule Wood Stove Series ACC Chimney Termination RequirementsPart SRV7033-041 for installation in a mobile Home Mobile Home InstallationBegin installing the ARS System 7Appliance Set UpFinishing the ARS Installation Installing Pedestal AssemblyStep Top model with a pedestal assembly you must attach Attach the 2 bottom screws of the mounting brackets to Installing Leg KitAdjusting The Blower Speed Control Wood Stove Series ACC Door Handle AssemblyBurning Process Operating InstructionsWood Selection & Storage Kindling or First StageAir Controls Automatic Combustion Control ACCBurn Rates and Operating Efficiency Wood Stove Series ACC Building a Fire Wood Stove Series ACC Blower Operating Instructions Initial cold start-up and all Burn SettingsOpacity Smoke OverfiringIssues Solutions Wood Stove Series ACC Frequently Asked QuestionsCreosote Chimney Cleaning General MaintenanceARS Operating and Cleaning Disposal of AshesGlass Cleaning Glass ReplacementCleaning Plated Surfaces Fire Risk Injury RiskBrick Size Qty Wood Stove Series ACC Firebrick ReplacementBaffle Wood Stove Series ACC Baffle Removal Snap Disc ReplacementRemoving Tube Channel Assembly Wood Stove Series ACC Tube Channel Assembly ReplacementReplacing Tube Channel Assembly Diagnostic Question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions TroubleshootingDon’t get enough/any heat. What can I do about it? Exploded view Reference MaterialsSizes Step Top Uni-Body Model Item # Accessories Wood Stove Series ACC Service Parts & AccessoriesItem # Service Parts Item # Service Parts Date of Service Performed By Description of Service Wood Stove Series ACC Service And Maintenance LogWood Stove Series ACC Homeowner’s Notes Wood Stove Series ACC Homeowner’s Notes Cont’d Wood Stove Series ACC Warranty Policy Lifetime WarrantyContact Information Wood Stove Series ACC