Samsung NQ50H5537KB/WT manual Technical specifications

Page 59

technical data

SAMSUNG strives to improve its products at all times. Both the design specifications and these user instructions are thus subject to change without notice.

Technical specifications









Power Source



230 V ~ 50 Hz





Power Consumption

Maximum Power

3000 W






Microwave Mode

1650 W






Grill Mode

2500 W






Convection Mode

2500 W





Output Power



100 W / 800 W (IEC-705)





Operating Frequency



2450 MHz








OM75P (21)





Cooling Method



Cooling fan motor






Set Size

W 595 x H 454.2 x D 570 mm






Built In Size

W 555 x H 445 x D 548.8 mm








50 liter







38.3 Kg







45.5 Kg















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English - 59

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2014-10-06 �� 4:12:15

Image 59
Contents Combi MWO Built-in Oven Contents Safety information English FeaN s01matio for iny Oven function only Optional English Safety Fig1 Fig3 Fig2 Fig4 Side HandleDoor handle By 45 and clean it. Swing heater model only Cleaning your microwave ovenMicrowave service technician should Storing and repairing your microwave ovenEnglish English Applicable in countries with separate collection systems Control panel Oven featuresOven Accessories Before you start Clock settingsTurning the beeper on/off Setting the Energy Save modeCombi-functions Microwave modeOven mode Types of heatingCooking principle How a microwave oven worksSetting microwave mode Using the microwave modeCookware Microwave Comments Guide to microwave power levelsMicrowave cookware guide Suddenly Cooking guide for frozen vegetables Microwave cooking guideGeneral guidelines Food Portion Time Standing Instructions Cooking guide for fresh vegetablesCooking guide for rice and pasta Food Portion Power Time Standing Instructions MinReheating liquids ReheatingReheating baby food Reheating liquids and food Power TimeDefrosting Meat Food Portion Time Min Standing Time min InstructionsTo set an oven mode Using the oven modeTime h Grill settingFood item Shelf 1st side time 2nd side Accessory Cooking guideFood item Shelf Temp. C Time h Accessory Convection settingSetting the cooking time Setting the end time Setting the delay start Microwave + Grill Combination modeSetting Microwave + Grill Shelf Power Temp 1st side 2nd side Food item Microwave + Convection Setting Microwave + ConvectionWhole chicken 450 180 25-30 15-25 Setting vegetable cook mode Using the vegetable cook modeFood item Weight Accessory Shelf Recommendation Guide to Vegetabel menu settingU06 Courgettes 0.3 Setting auto menu mode Using the auto menu modeFood item Weight kg Accessory Shelf Recommendation Guide to auto cook menu settingAccessory Shelf Recommendation Shelf Recommendation Guide to auto speed defrost settingFood Weight Conditions of USE Pure steam cooking guideCooking time Handling Food ServingHandling of pure steam cooker PrecautionsTo unlock the oven Child safety lockTo lock the oven Using the steam clean mode Oven does not start when you press the start button Storing and repairing your microwave ovenTroubleshooting Oven’s display works, but the power won’t come onFood is not cooked at all Smoke and bad smell when initial operatingPower goes off before the set time has elapsed Food is either overcooked or undercookedLight reflection around the door and outer casing Fan continues to operate after the oven has been turned offCondensation inside the oven Air flow around the door and outer casingInformation codes Code Symbol Problem SolutionPress STOP/CANCEL Technical specifications ООО «Са Э Р Ка» € 125009, . М‹а, Р‘, . В§€‹а 10, 4 „а
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