Vermont Casting G400 owner manual Symptom, Possible Cause, Corrective Action

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Withproperinstailationandmaintenance,yournewGasFireplaceshouldprovideyeaq of troubl+ treedervicelf. youdo experiencea problem,referto thetroubleshootingguide- shownbelowThis. guidewill assiit a qualiiied servic'epersionin the diagnosisof problemsand the correctlve

action to be taken.


l.Spark tgnitor will not light after repeatedtriggerlngof red button.

ll.Pilot will not staylit after caretullyfollowinglighting Instructions.


A.Defectivelgnitor(nospark at electrode).

B.Delectivepilotor misaligned- electrodeat pitot(sparkat electrode).

c.No gas or low gas pressure.



D. No tank.

A. Defectivethermocouple.

B Defectivevalve.

C. Pluggedburnerorifice.


1.Check for spark at electrode andpilot;if no sparkandelectrode wire is properlyconnecled, replaceignitor.

1.Usinga match,lightpilot'lf pilot lights,turnotf pilot-andtriggerthe red buttonagain.lf pilotlights, an imProPergas/airmixture causedthe imProPerlighting

and a longerPurgePeriodis recommendedlf. Pilotwill not light'checkgapat electrode

and shouldbe 1/8inchto Pilot'

havea strongsPark'

lf OK, rePlacePilot'

1.check remoteshut off valves

lromfireplaceUsually. thereis a valvenearthe firePlaceand sometimesthereis a valvenear the main.Therecanbe morethan one(1)valvebetweenthe fireplace andmain'


avarietyof situatlonssuchas a bentline,too narrowdiameterof

pipeor evenlowlinePressure.


lines.lf none,

Checklor kinked


or gas




1.CheckL.P.(ProPane)YoumaY be out of fuel.

1.Checkpilotflame'MustimPinge on thermocouPleClean. andor adjustpilotfor maximumllame impingementon thermocouPle'

1.Replacevalve- (lt is not fieldserviceable).

1.Checkburnerorilicetor stoP' pageand remove.

1 4

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Contents Ventedgas Fireplageheater What to do if YOU Smell GASFor Your Safety For Youb SafetyGassupplier 800 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard time Gas train Parts list LloitManual control wlth pressure regulator Techntcalspecficatonseurostvalve\ stove Parts llst Set assembly Mlneral wool placement Door lock screwFan lnstallatlon instructlons ipttonal fan klt #S3rr92l Variablespeed ControlGAS Specifications Installation instructionsPlease note Pressure readings Temperature rangeMAY Yentlng Instaltailon guldeflnes Flsted ventsTypicalb Ventitstallation ExterioruseVenting installation guldellnes Installatlon llisted B.OYentlWarnng CheckingventcapacityVenting installation guidelines InstallationChimneys Relining systemsCleaning of main burner and orifice InspectionLighting Tnstruciions Whatto OO if YousmellgasPossible Cause SymptomCorrective Action Posstble Gause CORBECT.IVE AgttonFluegasspillage Causesof Spillageand CorrectiveactionDECORATIUECOLI.ARINSTALLATION