Vermont Casting G400 owner manual Decoratiuecoli.Arinstallation

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SuppliedwithyourG400gasunitisa decorativecollaryoumaywish to useto enableyouto giveyourunitthat"woodstove"lookby hidingyourventinginsideregular6" stovepipe.


1 . Centercollaron ventopeningandmarkholes(3 places). Drillthe3 marksusing118"drillandinstallcollarwith3 screws provided.

2 . Installventingfollowedby black6" pipeas yougo.


6" pipeis fo be usedfor appearanceonly./f ls NOf approved

for useas venting.


1 7

Image 19
Contents What to do if YOU Smell GAS Ventedgas FireplageheaterFor Your Safety For Youb SafetyGassupplier 800 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard time Lloit Gas train Parts listTechntcalspecficatonseurostvalve Manual control wlth pressure regulator\ stove Parts llst Door lock screw Set assembly Mlneral wool placementVariablespeed Control Fan lnstallatlon instructlons ipttonal fan klt #S3rr92lGAS Specifications Installation instructionsPlease note Pressure readings Temperature rangeMAY Exterioruse Yentlng Instaltailon guldeflnesFlsted vents Typicalb VentitstallationCheckingventcapacity Venting installation guldellnesInstallatlon llisted B.OYentl WarnngRelining systems Venting installation guidelinesInstallation ChimneysInspection Cleaning of main burner and orificeWhatto OO if Yousmellgas Lighting TnstruciionsPossible Cause SymptomCorrective Action CORBECT.IVE Agtton Posstble GauseCausesof Spillageand Correctiveaction FluegasspillageDECORATIUECOLI.ARINSTALLATION