General Operation
Security Codes
At the time of installation, you were asked to provide a personal 4-digit security or “Master User” code. You must enter the user code when arming and disarming the system, and when performing other system functions. As an additional security feature, other users who do not need to know your code can be assigned up to 14 different security codes. Refer to the SECURITY CODES section for procedures on adding security codes to the system.
When an alarm occurs, the LYNX Touch internal sounder will sound for about 15-seconds, and the touchscreen displays the zone(s) causing the alarm. After 15-seconds, the internal sounder stops temporarily and voice announcements of the zones in alarm begins. When these zones have been announced, the internal sounder sounds again and the cycle repeats itself, until the system is disarmed or until alarm bell timeout occurs. If your system is connected to a central monitoring station, an alarm message will be sent. To stop the alarm sounding, simply disarm the system. The zone(s) causing the alarm remain displayed indicating memory of alarm. Refer to the DISARMING THE SYSTEM section for information about clearing the memory of alarm display
Two-Way Voice Feature
The control supports voice dialog between an operator at the central station and an individual at the premises. This feature allows the central station to listen, talk to or conduct a two-way conversation with an individual(s) at the premises and allows the operator to gather information about the nature and location of the alarm that may be helpful in responding to police or rescue departments. If the Two-way Voice Feature has been programmed and an alarm condition is detected, the system sends an alarm message to the central station. After acknowledgement is received, a “listen in to follow” message is sent to the central station. In response to this message, the central station operator can enter commands that allow him to initiate a 5-minute voice session.
If a subsequent zone is violated during a voice session, the system will terminate the session and process the alarm. During the voice session, the ARMED (red) and READY (green) LEDs will alternately blink in the Talk and VOX Modes but not during Listen Mode.