General Information
After entering the mode, the joystick is moved right or left to select the character to be changed. The selected character is identified by a box with a question mark inside it. The first line of the video monitor display indicates the code number of the character selected. Move the joystick up or down to step through the Character ROM Table, or enter the character's number identified in the tables via the numeric keypad, then press [Enter]. Once the monitor title has been set, press [Enter] to store it to memory. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit the mode. The user may select between this monitor message and the status display by using the User 5 Function described above.
User Function 18 - Print Sequence
Use this function to print the contents of a programmed sequence. Use the joystick to select the desired sequence, then press [Enter] to print it to the printer port. Only those sequences currently existing in memory will be shown in the list. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit.
User Function 19 - Select Alarm Response
Use this function to reset the system alarm configuration tables to one of these pre- defined alarm response modes: BASIC, AUTOBUILD, or SEQUENCE & DISPLAY. Move the joystick up or down to select the desired mode, then enter your user pass- word on the numeric keypad. Press [Enter] to update the alarm system. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit.
NOTE Existing alarm configuration data will be lost when mode is changed.
User Function 20 - Select Printer Verbosity
Use this function to select between print modes; Limited Printing and Full Printing. This selection determines the amount of information printed during alarm process- ing. Both modes print alarm activation and deactivation messages, but Full Printing goes into much more detail. Use the joystick to select the desired mode, then press [Enter]. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit without chang- ing the print mode.
User Function 21 - Designate Alarm Monitor Type
Use this function to designate the monitor currently controlled by the keyboard as either a STEP monitor or a REVIEW monitor. This function can only be used in the predefined SEQUENCE & DISPLAY alarm response mode (see ALARM INFORMA- TION section) to select which monitor is the STEP (also called SEQUENCE) moni- tor, and which is the REVIEW (also called DISPLAY) monitor. To designate a monitor as the STEP or REVIEW monitor, enter User Function 21, then move the joystick up or down to select the monitor type. Enter your password on the key- board and press [Enter]. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit. After selecting new STEP and REVIEW monitors, the previous ones may be dis- armed (Arm/Disarm Monitor instructions).
User Function 22 - Select Control Code Format
This function designates whether variable speed pan/tilt and zoom commands are enabled (Factory Default Setting). In most cases, there is no need to disable this function. Move the joystick up or down to select the desired setting, then press [Enter]. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit.
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