Bacharach 2772-0803 manual Printer Operation & USE Optional Feature, Installing Test Card

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IMPORTANT: Please note that this method is not suitable for, and is not intended to be used for, checking or verifying the system’s calibration, but only for alarm simulation and checks.

Test Preparation. Warn that tests are to be carried out and that external alarm systems may be activated. Check that the RIS is powered up and working. Open the door and disable the door open switch with a magnet. (A suitable magnet is available, see Chapter 5). It may be convenient in some cases to remove the board cover.

Enter TEST Mode (press the Red button on the main board), open the tape gate and remove the cassette. Insert the Test Card in the gate with the zero line on the card lined up with the edge of the optics block. See Figure 3-4. Close the gate.

NOTE: Due to the reflectance difference between the cassette tape and the Test Card, it may be necessary to readjust the light level of track 1 to 220 with the Test Card installed in the tape gate. Refer to Section 4.4 (Adjusting Light Levels) for instructions. It is not necessary to adjust track 2 for this test.

Figure 3-4. Installing Test Card

Exit TEST Mode, leaving test card in gate. Carrying out the Test. Press the Tape Reset

button (the red button on the left of the optics block). The tape advance cam will turn (but will not move the test card), and a cycle commences. The purge cycle will start, listen for the cycle to end 10 seconds after it starts, (the pump sound will reduce as the pump slows). Start Counting when the purge cycle stops and the normal sampling cycle starts. After 20 seconds pull test card to the right so that the READING mark is lined up with the right side of the block, Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. Pulling Test Card

This puts the dark ‘stained’ section of the card under the photo cell. The result should be an imme- diate ‘gas concentration’ of, typically, 40 to 60% of full range shown on the display (i.e. approximately 400 to 600 ppb for a 1,000 ppb RIS).

NOTE: The actual reading is not important if it is above alarm set point.

If the 20 seconds is reduced, the concentra- tion reading will be higher. Conversely if it is increased the concentration will be lower.

NOTE: Be aware that a fault alarm will, usually, inhibit a gas alarm; make sure that there isn’t a fault condition active when test is started.

The test card check can be repeated by opening the gate, repositioning the test card, pressing the tape reset button and starting again.

IMPORTANT: AFTER CHECKS have been completed, enter the TEST Mode, remove the test card, and replace the cassette. Reset the light level of track 1 to 220 if changed. Remove the magnet used to inhibit the door open alarm and replace the cover on the main board, (if this was removed). Put the RIS back into service.


3.14.1GENERAL. The Printer option requires fitting of the Printer Option board and connection of a suitable Printer. See Chapter 5 for part numbers.

Installation of Printer Option board is described in Section 2.9.1. Methods of connecting a suitable printer are described below.

Instruction 2772-0803

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Contents Instruction Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Declaration of Conformity Contents Contents Replacing the Mechanical Chassis Verifying That a GAS Alarm WAS Caused by GASCleaning the Sampling Input and Optics Block Preparation Removal of the Mechanical ChassisSupplement a A1.1 Adjusting Light Levels on Phase 1 RIS UnitsRIS TEST/FAULT Parameter LOG Sheet Monitored Concentration Levels HighOptional Features Continuous Diagnostics & System Test ModeBattery Backup User Selectable Alarm SET PointsOutputs Power Input RequirementsAccuracy PhysicalEnvironmental Internal BACK-UP BatteryDisplay KeyboardTable #1 RIS Catalog Numbers & Data Basic Principles System DescriptionDoor Open and Cover Removed from Back of Door Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Unpacking Battery ConnectionMechanical Installation Electrical InstallationSpecification System Power Supply Consideration & SelectionRIS Type Sample LinesTape Cassette Loading 1 Volt ConversionSystem Check Tools & Materials RequiredCheck and Adjust System Interruption of Test Mode Cycle. If For detailed instructions on adjustmentOption PCB Installation Silkscreen Idents NAL Terminal USEWithout Phase 2 Base Board Terminal Strips Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Remote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Twin Track Tape SAMPLING. At Complete Sampling SequenceTape Cassette Life CHANGE-OVER from Density to Time ModeDensity & Time Operating Modes Minimum Sample TimeOptics System AlarmsConstant FlashingOptional Features DiagnosticsTest Mode Using the KeyboardInstalling Test Card Printer Operation & USE Optional FeatureSW1 Total Switch # 2 is not used and is left ‘ONOFF BaudWhite RED Prdy Black Pprs Data Busy Ground Non-Bacharach Printer InterfaceClearing a Spurious Alarm Maintenance GeneralVerifying That a GAS Alarm WAS Caused by GAS Adjusting Light LevelsDisabling the ‘DOOR OPEN’ Alarm Checking and Adjusting System Flow RateAdjusting the Door Switch Measuring Pump Current Cleaning the Sampling Input and Optics BlockCleaning Optics block Changing a Pump Stepping Clamp VerticalKEY Parameter Checks Exterior CleaningPump Check Input Path CleaningTroubleshooting General Mechanical TightnessTape Breakage Light FaultsDoor Fault Excessive Tape USEModel Dependent Parts System Power SuppliesRecommended Spares Pennsylvania Service CentersCommon Parts Options and SuppliesHold 200 toRemote Intelligent Sensor Area Monitor Instruction S-A3 S-A4 Instruction