REMOTE INTELLIGENT SENSOR - AREA MONITOR Date Format. A choice of month/ day or day/month format is available:
For the US month/day/year format, set SW2 switches 1 and 2 ‘ON’.
For the European day/month/year format, set
SW2 switches 1 and 2 ‘OFF’. Storage Up To 7 Days. In any of the selected modes, data can be stored for later printout (up to 7 days of data). This is simply achieved by unplugging the printer connector at the RIS printer socket. When a printout is required, plug in the printer connector, switch the printer on and then press the PRINT key on the RIS front panel. Data Loss. Data will be lost if a printer is connected to the RIS but not Switched on. Under these conditions, the RIS attempts to ‘dump’ data at the selected interval and clears the data memory, even though no physical printout is produced due to the printer being switched off. To prevent this from occurring, whenever the printer is not in use, always dis- connect it, by its connector, at the RIS.
3.14.4PRINTER CARD DESCRIPTION. In addition to the switch functions already described, the printer card provides the following function and facilities. Time Clock. Enables data to be stored with relevant time and date reference. The clock is not separately supported and if the system switch SW1 is turned off it must be reset after the switch is turned on.
The clock is set by use of the front panel key switches, using the procedure described in Section Storage. Capacity for storing up to 7 day’s worth of data points is provided. The stored data always contains the most recent record. When full, the oldest data points are deleted allowing space for the new data. Once the printer card is installed, the storage of data takes place automati- cally.
When the stored data has been printed under preset timed control, or a PRINT command from the keyboard, the microprocessor clears the stored data. The storage can also be cleared at any time by using the procedure in Section 4.9. Communication. The printer interface card communicates with the microproces- sor through a data buffer. Connecting a printer to the printer port completes a circuit that links the printer present line (PPRS) to ground (0 V).
This makes the microprocessor aware that a printer is connected. The microprocessor then writes each data point to memory locations on the board.
Once stored, the data is retained until it is printed out, or deleted to make way for current data, or when cleared under keyboard control.
Data is transferred at a higher rate than the printer is able to print. Flow of data is therefore controlled by the printer ready line (PRDY) which changes state to enable, stop, or transfer as required. of Printer Baud Rate. The Bacharach Printer has a baud rate of 600 bits/sec. and printer option board has SW3 switches set with switch # 4 ‘ON’ and the other 3 switches ‘OFF’.
The settings for the complete baud rate selection
BAUD | SW # 4 | SW # 3 | SW # 2 | SW # 1 | |
600 | ON |
| OFF | OFF | OFF |
1,200 | OFF |
| ON | OFF | OFF |
2,400 | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | |
9,600 | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON |
3.14.5CONNECTING A PRINTER. A printer can be connected permanently, or plugged in when required. In the latter case, one printer can be used to support a number of RIS systems. Printer Connection. The GMD printer is supplied complete with an interconnecting lead that enables the printer to be plugged into the standard,
If required, the printer can be permanently wired to the RIS interface by removing the plug from the cable and connecting it into the J1 interface in accordance with the information provided in the table below.
Printer Cable | Connect to J1 | Signal | |
Wire Color | Terminal # | Identification | |
Not used | 10 | PI |
WHITE | 11 | PO | |
RED | 12 | PRDY | |
BLACK | 13 | PPRS | |
BLACK | 14 | 0 V |
First, turn off the RIS at the system power switch SW1. Then feed the cable into the RIS through a convenient cable gland. Carefully tighten the gland around the cable to preserve enclosure sealing.
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