Orienting Units for Optimal Performance
Place the camera and monitor on a flat, stable surface to prevent damage from falling.
For optimal performance, try to place the units as high as possible to avoid any possible interference from people walking between the camera and monitor.
Microwave ovens can cause interference. Be sure you do not position the camera and monitor with a microwave in the path between them.
Adjusting the Audio/Video Antennas
For optimal reception, the antennas on both camera and monitor should be oriented. In most situations the curved face of the audio/video antennas on both the camera and monitor should be facing each other. If the camera and monitor are less than 10 feet (3 meters) apart, keep the audio/video antennas flat in their casings.
The audio/video antennas have been designed to pivot but have limited rotation in either clockwise or counterclockwise directions. Antenna does not rotate freely 360 degrees. Rotating past the point where resistance is felt will result in permanent damage to both antenna and mechanical stopper.