Kenmore 116.34729 Cord Assembly, Handle Assembly, Remove the two 2 handle screws located Body

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IPlease pay special attention to these hazard

alert boxes, and follow any instructionsI


Igiven. WARNING statements alert you to such dangers as tire, electric shock, burns I


land personal injury. CAUTION statements alert you to such dangers as personalI


linjuryand/or property damage.



Electrical Shock Hazard

Do not plug into the electrical sup- ply until the assembly is complete. Failure to do so could result in elec- trical shock or injury.

Before assembling the vacuum cleaner, check the PACKING LIST on the cover of

the separate Repair Parts List. Use this list to verify that you have received all the

components of your new Kenmore vacu- um cleaner.

Do not overtighten.

Overtightening could strip the screw holes.

Do not operate the vacuum cleaner without the screws in place.


Make sure the quick release upper cord hook is in the upright position. Remove the wire tie from the power cord.

Remove tape from dust bin release handle.


Remove the two (2) handle screws located

in the body.


Lock the power cord into the locking notch base by pressing it into the

quick release upper cord hook as shown.

This helps keep the

power cord out from under the vacuum

cleaner agitator.

Power I_



Note: Do Not

Remove Tape

Quick Release




Position the handle as shown in the illustra- tion below.

When installing the handle, firmly press the handle onto the body. Secure with handle screws provided.

Wrap the power cord around the upper and lower cord hooks and lock the power cord plug onto the power cord.


Image 5
Contents Cuidado Manual Del Propietario Vacuum Cleaner AspiradoraSears, Roebuck and Co., DI817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Limited Oneyearwarranty on Kenmorevacuum CleanerMoving parts Cord Hook Remove the two 2 handle screws located Body Cord AssemblyHandle Assembly Attachments section Extension Hose AssemblyFor use of extension wand and hose see Suggested Pile Height Settings MAX For deep cleaning set the power control toMate Jr. into To Store AttachmentsFor operation of Handi-Mate Jr. sea separate owne Manual Crevice Tool Combination Brush AttachmentsFurnRure* Cushions* Drapes Stairs Walls Motor Protector Motor Protection SystemMotor Protector Operation Dirt SensorOptic Cells insideVacuum Cleaner Care To Empty Dust BIN To Clean FilterTo Replace Dust BIN Quently and clean whenPrimary Filter Exhaust FilterClHning Cam SlotTo Remove Belt Cleaning AgitatorBelt Routing To Replace BeltCorrect Routing of Belt Incorrect Routing of BeltTabs ING To Remove Light Bulb Troubleshooting 16-18 Valaa un Centre/Departamentede serviciode Sears TA JJl Leaestemanualantesdearmaro utilizarsu aspiradomNo toquelaaspiradorani el enchufeconlas manosmojadas Tsngacuidadoespecialal utilizarla aspimdomDe usarsuaspiradora Es imporlanteconocerlaspiezasy caracColocacion DEL Cordon Montaje DEL MangoDe fijacl6n Cord6nPeligro de Lesiones Personales y Dao al Producto Ensamble DE LA MangueraSugerenciasde Ajuste DE Nivelde Pelo DE LA Alfomsra Montado EN EL MangoON. Paradetenerla,coloqueel interruptoren la posi- cibnOFF El agltadorest rotando.Se puededeRarla AlfombrsLimpiaaifombras,el selectortieneque estaren esta CuidadoAccesorios DE ProblemasPara Guardar LOS IdenUfiquecadaunode losaccesoriosmostradosa continuationEntre HerramJenta Muebles Coijines* Cortlnas Escalones AdvertenciaSistema DE PROTECTI6N DE Motor Reconocimiento DE ProblemasProtector DE Motor De motorOperacion Indicador DE PolvoPara Limpiar LA Optica DEL Sensor DE BasuraSin antes ser lavados. Podrian dejar rearcas Que pudiera Estar ubica- Puertodel Do a la ObstculoCanastode entrada del basurao el Filtrosecundario Vea el Filtroque Cambia/LimpiarCerrojode Remplazo DEL Bote DE PolvoFiltro Primario Filtro DE EscapeBasura Tapadel filtroPellgrode choqueel6cbico o lesl6n corpo- rat Para Sacar LA CorreaLimpieza DEL Agitador Correa No Estd Centrada Sobre la Ranura Gula Co, Tea Estd Centrada Sobre la Ranura GuiaEje de Correa No Est Centrada Sobre la Ranura GuiaColoque la aspiradora en la posicibnvertical Limpiezades Filtros Siconsideraque la aspiradorano aspirabienNessobreCAMBIODE LA BOLSAPAPAPOLVOy Entoncesapliqu Para Quitar LA BombillaSubstituyala Co Br, de=cdUapagado Reconocimiento DE Problemas¢rO $ A. oin