Oakleaf Woodburning Stove
Standard Ceiling Installation with
Factory Built Chimney
Cathedral Ceiling Installation with
Factory Built Chimney
| Chimney Cap |
Chimney | Storm Collar |
Sections | Roof Flashing |
| Chimney Cap |
| Roof Radiation |
| |
| Roof |
| |
| Shield | ||
| Radiation | ||
Attic | Shield |
| Metal Chimney |
| Sealed Storm Collar | |
Radiation |
| |
| Roof Flashing | |
Shield |
| |
| Cathedral Style |
| Chimney Support |
Minimum Air Space | Chimney |
with Chimney Listing | Support | Finishing |
| Collar |
Chimney |
Connector |
| Chimney |
| Connector |
The Chimney Connector Shall Not Pass Through an Attic or Roof Space, Closet or Similar Concealed Space, a Floor or Ceiling.
16 Dry Seasoned Wood Only! | Save These Instructions |