Nilfisk-Advance America BR1100S manual Türkçe / B-15, Islak Vakumlama

Page 39



Makineyi ıslak vakumlama için seçmeli eklentilerle donatmak üzere bu adımları takip ediniz.

1Geri alma hortumunu lastik silecekten (17) sökün. Kaplini ve hortumu değnek kitinden geri alma hortumuna bağlayın.

2Uygun ıslak alma aletlerini hortuma takın. (Seçmeli Değnek Kiti olan PN56413687, Nilfisk’ten temin edilebilir).

3Ana Kontak Anahtarını (A) AÇIK konuma getirin ve Vakum/Çubuk Anahtarına (I) basın. Vakum motoru ve pompa, KAPALI konuma getirmek için tekrar anahtara basılana kadar

sürekli çalışacaktır. NOT: Değnek modu etkin hale getirildiğinde, “Geri Alma Deposu DOLU” göstergesi devreden çıkar. Şamandıra geri alma deposuna akışı durduracaktır.

SERVİS NOTU: Tüm kumanda donanımı ve seçmeli programlanabilme özelliklerinin ayrıntılı işlev açıklamaları için servis el kitabına bakınız.


FORM NO. 56041978 - BR1100S / BR1300S - B-15

Image 39
Contents Instructions for USE English English / A-3 SymbolsKnow Your Machine English / A-5 K3 K4 K9 K5 Control PanelInstall the Batteries When Servicing BatteriesEnglish / A-7 Install the Brushes Disc System English / A-9 Install the Brushes Cylindrical System10 / English Filling the Solution TankEnglish / A-11 Squeegee InstallationTo Purge Weekly To Purge When Changing Chemicals12 / English Detergent System Preparation and USE Ecoflex Models onlyPurge English / A-13To Scrub 14 / EnglishOperating the Machine WET VacuumingEnglish / A-15 Lubricating the Machine Figure Maintenance Schedule16 / English After USEEnglish / A-17 Checking the Battery Water Level 18 / EnglishCharging the Batteries Squeegee Maintenance Squeegee AdjustmentEnglish / A-19 To reverse or replace the scrub system side skirts Side Skirt MaintenanceSide Skirt Height Adjustment 20 / EnglishDisk Cylindrical English / A-2122 / English Side Broom MaintenanceGeneral Machine Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause RemedyEnglish / A-23 Revised 6/11 24 / EnglishPage Türkçe Türkçe / B-3 Önlemler VE Uyarilar SimgelerMakinenizi Taniyin Türkçe / B-5 Kontrol Paneli Bataryaların Bakım İşlemleri Türkçe / B-7Şekil Bataryalarin TakilmasiFirçalarin Takilmasi Disk Sistemi Firçalarin Takilmasi Silindir Sistemi Türkçe / B-9Çözelti Deposunun Doldurulmasi 10 / TürkçeLastik Sileceğin Takilmasi Türkçe / B-11Deterjan Yüzdesi 12 / TürkçeKimyasalların Değiştirilmesi Sırasında Tahliye için Haftalık Tahliye içinTasfİye Türkçe / B-1314 / Türkçe Makinenin ÇaliştirilmasiOvma işlemi için Islak Vakumlama Türkçe / B-15Makİnenİn YAĞLANMASI- Şekİl 16 / TürkçeKullanim Sonrasi Bakim ÇizelgesiTürkçe / B-17 Şekil 18 / Türkçe Bataryalarin Şarj EdilmesiBatarya SU Seviyesinin Kontrol Edilmesi Lastik Silecek Açısının Ayarlanması Türkçe / B-19Lastik Silecek Bakimi Lastik Silecek Ayari20 / Türkçe YAN Etekliğin BakimiYAN Eteklİk Yükseklİk Ayari Dİsk Sİlİndİr Şekil Türkçe / B-21YAN Süpürgenİn Bakimi 22 / TürkçeBkz. Servis el kitabı Türkçe / B-23Genel Sorun Gİderme Sorun Olası Neden ÇözümTeknİk Özellİkler ünite üzerinde monte ve test edilen 24 / TürkçeNilfisk-Advance Incorporated Pas Nilfisk-Advance A/S

BR1100S specifications

The Nilfisk-Advance America BR1100S is a state-of-the-art, battery-powered floor scrubber that stands out for its exceptional performance, user-friendly design, and remarkable efficiency. Ideal for a variety of commercial applications, such as retail spaces, warehouses, and educational institutions, the BR1100S is engineered to provide unparalleled cleaning results while minimizing downtime.

One of the main features of the BR1100S is its compact design, which allows for easy maneuverability in tight spaces. With its slender profile, the scrubber can effortlessly navigate around obstacles, ensuring that no corner is left uncleaned. The machine is equipped with a scrub deck that features a width of 20 inches, making it suitable for medium-sized areas and ensuring quick coverage within stipulated cleaning times.

The BR1100S utilizes advanced lithium-ion battery technology, which provides up to 2.5 hours of continuous cleaning on a single charge. This ensures that cleaning tasks can be completed without interruptions, drastically enhancing productivity. The included charger allows for rapid recharging, further minimizing downtime.

Another key characteristic is the brush system, which employs a dual brush setup that enhances scrubbing efficiency. The scrubbing mechanism is designed to tackle tough dirt and grime while being gentle on the floor surface. Users have the option to select different brush pressure settings based on specific cleaning requirements, providing flexibility for various floor types.

Moreover, the BR1100S is equipped with automatic water control technology, allowing for optimal water usage. This smart system adjusts the water flow based on the cleaning speed, ensuring that floors are cleaned thoroughly without excess water wastage. Additionally, the machine features a simple and intuitive control panel, making it accessible for users of all experience levels.

Maintenance is also a breeze with the BR1100S. The removable recovery tank allows for easy disposal of used water, while the brushes can be changed with minimal effort. Coupled with a durable construction, this scrubber is designed to withstand heavy use, offering longevity and reliability.

In summary, the Nilfisk-Advance America BR1100S is a robust and efficient choice for floor cleaning. With its combination of innovative technology, user-friendly design, and impressive performance, it is a fantastic investment for businesses looking to maintain immaculate spaces.