the EVENT 1 terminal and the EVENT 2 and EVENT 3 terminals is affected. EVENT 2 is Normally Closed (connected to EVENT 1) until a fault occurs and then opens. EVENT 3 is Normally Open (not connected to EVENT 1) until a fault occurs and then closes.
A.2.1.1 Upper and Lower Pressure Limit Range (pump A only)
The pressure sensing transducer provides accurate, wide range pressure monitoring. Because of the sensitivity of the transducer, the zero reading may shift up to 0.1% of the full pressure scale over years of operational use. The user should also be aware that the resistance to flow of the fluid being pumped through the tubing and fittings may cause the pressure to variy with the flow rate and the viscosity of the mobile phase employed.
If absolute accuracy is needed for the pressure safety limits:
1.Disconnect the column from pumping system and operate the pump with the mobile phase and flow rate to be used in the analysis. Observe the resulting pressure displayed on the pump readout. The column will cause a pressure reading that adds to this basic reading due to system flow resistance.
2.Set the upper limit
7PSI and the safe limit for the column is 25 PSI, set the maximum pressure limit to 32 PSI or less.
3.If the mobile phase or flow rate is changed, reset the pressure limit as appropriate.
4.Note that a lower pressure limit is available to prevent continued operation in the event of a leak. For proper operation, this must be set to a pressure higher than the basic pressure or it may not sense the reduced pressure.
A.2.2 General Information on Inputs
The pump's inputs are on the