Sears 385.1915 Elastic Casing Stitch Set the Machine, Elastic Stretch Stitch Set the Machine

Page 81

e Elastic Casing Stitch []

Set the Machine


toot F]

Thread tension 3to 8

F Satin stitch foot

The Stitch and Its Uses

Use this stitch to replace bias tape casings

_n such areas as wrists and waists. In children's clothing, this stitch is especially hetpfut, because it reduces bulk.


1.Slide a piece of 1/8" elastic

under the foot, then up

through the slot in Foot F (sa'cmstitch).

2.Sew the elastic on the bottom

side of the fabric, pulling it gent{y to avoid sewing through the elastic.

3.Pull on the elastic to gather the fabric and bartack at both ends.

e Elastic Stretch Stitch []

Set the Machine


[15 root

Thregd tension 3to 6

A:Zigzag toot


FSatin stitch toot

The Stitch and Its Uses

Choose this stitch to attach elastic to



Mark the elastic into quarters and match these to the center

front, center back and side seams,

Place the middle of the elastic under the center of the presser

foot and stitch into place,

making sure the elastic is evenly distributed.


Image 81
Contents Sewing Machine Ventilation WithModel No Serial No Retain these numbers for future reference Kenmore Sewing MachineSection 10tI02 1031047276 Page Sectionknow YOt Locate and Identify the PartsFoot Lever Set Up the Machine Plug in the Machine and Switch on the PowerStore the power supply cord Operating Instructions SetUp MachineLever Adjust the Presser Foot LeverSewing accessones are conveniently located Iid of the accessory storage box lifts open towardYou BoxClothes Foot Zigzag Foot Presser Foot TypesSiidng Snap On the Presser Thicker Silk-like FabricsFabric, Needle, Thread and Stitch Length Chart To Change the Needle110 To Remove the Bobbin from the Machine Horizontal Spool Pin Ordinary SpoolAdditional spool pin is used to wind Wind the Bobbin Pull the thread clockwise Insert the Bobbin into the Bobbin HolderToward you through the tension Attach the hook cover plateoThread the Needle Prepare the Top ThreadButton PreparetheTop Thread Pick Up the Bobbin ThreadLeft By pullingAdjust the Top Thread Tension Too Tight Too Loose Just Right PreparetheT0pThrea dButtons Main FunctionControl Button Display Sharpness Adjusting Knob0OT Mode ButtonMirror Image Button Clear Button Length will be Stitch Length Control ButtonLight IncreasePress Message ButtonTurn a Square Corner Use the Seam GuidesDropping the Feed Dogs Sewing on HeavyFabricsBasting ICTICE Commonstitching SKI LLSSat the Machine Guiding IiiThread tension Sew a ButtonItsas easy at a -- B -- C Set the Machine $ lo FootAJPut in a Zipper Closethezipperandturnthefabrictop sideup. Spreadflat 30,31 13,14 10,19 Chart of Sewing F,unctions16,28 40,52 41~43,61,62,74On p Stitch Pattern ChartTension Lever Refer toOveredge Seam On p, t7 Stitch Pattern ChartSat,n if Stitc H ESSatin Qua 91 ~ Straight Stitch Straight StitchesPresser Its highestTopstitchlng Set the Machine +t --eroot AjEffect ?Cfi!,,,,, .... i!i!iii?ii!¸iiiii!!¸!iiiPintucking Sat the Machine + Io--- ooT aQuilting + !0-4 F00 aGathering Adjust your fabric accordinglyStraight stretch Locl*Matic Seam Il z- 0oTAjOutlineStretch Ill 18 root Ill I3NWr00T a Heres How Satin Stitch Set the MachineOvercasting Stitch Set the Machine HeresHowMending Set the Machine Overedge Seam Sat the Machine FO0Knit Stitch Set the Machine 00,ARick-Rack Stretch Set the Machine FootA114 FOOTjDarning Small Rips = Adjusting Evenness of DarningCm 31/321 =L=0B,3FootLSTEP2 !- ca sTEP Stitch Density in Entire Buttonhole Adjust the Stitch Width and DensityManual BuOnhoiing Is EPiFor Stitch Density on One SideSetthe Machine WS,0 L2.0 Himinglad Eging StitchesIs to FootaShell Stitch 28 w5.0 L2.0 jScallop Stitch Set the Machine EAR N T H E SlEach Cut-Out Work Edging and Applique Set the MachineTESI Reinforcing stitchesSew this pattern On a seam that s Already joined and pressed fiatFagoting Stitch Sat the Machine 33 Fo0TElastic Stretch Stitch Set the Machine Elastic Casing Stitch Set the MachineFO01 F T40Decorate with Geometric Patterns FootFPage Cross Stitch F34 Foot lIscki !i!iii¸!iii¸!iiiii Or2 Thread tension 2toThread tensio n 2to8 Pro,sMomo.o Pressthe next stitch pattern 6 I w- flash Two Cycle StitchingSame combination Cycle Stitching by Pressing Mirror image Button = Test Sewing Pattern CombinationsStep Press Auto-LockPattern Single Umts Aid to Programming Memory lock patterns Memory Lock Alphabet and NumbersCombining Large and Small Letters Step Combining Letters in Block Style StepQF- flash Flash I Ill FlashFlash @ 3E --- P, S . H flash Flash +-flashLqT Combining Letters in Script Style StepPress the Edit button again when editing is completed Checking and Editing You r ProgramCursor +-flash To Delete and Add Patterns Add pattern Z between D and ETo Adjust Distorted Letters or Numbers To Adjust Distorted PatternsAccessory LettersNeedle thread What to do WhenBreaks Skipped stitchesCloth is not feeding Seam puckeringSmoothly Machine doesntworkCleaningthe Machine No other oiling is required Oiling the MachineLOl Parts List647814031 No Single Needles Ret. No647814042 No Single Needles 647814053 No, 18 Single NeedlesGathering Hook cover pate 18, 9g Cross stTtching Cut-out WorkKnit Stitching Large screw driver 101102 7273Quilter 12, 13, 51,101102 Quilting Foot 1213 3638, t0t102Supply WiII, tree FromExcept SEARS, Roebuck and CO., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, ILSewing Machine