Sears 385.1915 owner manual Sewing Machine

Page 108


Now that you have purchased your ;<enmore Sewing Machine, should _ need ever exist for repmr parts or service, s_mpw contact your nearest Stars Service Center. Be sure to provide aH pertinent facts when you cail or visit.

The model number of your Sewing Machine will be shown on your nomenclature plate on th_= back of your Sewing Machine. See page 6 for location.



If the parts you need are not stocked locally, your order will be electromcatly transmitted to a Sears

Repair Parts Distribution Center for haad_ing.

Image 108
Contents Sewing Machine With VentilationKenmore Sewing Machine Model No Serial No Retain these numbers for future referenceSection 10tI02 1031047276 Page Locate and Identify the Parts Sectionknow YOtFoot Lever Set Up the Machine Plug in the Machine and Switch on the PowerStore the power supply cord SetUp Machine Operating InstructionsAdjust the Presser Foot Lever LeverIid of the accessory storage box lifts open toward Sewing accessones are conveniently locatedYou BoxClothes Foot Presser Foot Types Zigzag FootSiidng Snap On the Presser Silk-like Fabrics ThickerFabric, Needle, Thread and Stitch Length Chart To Change the Needle110 To Remove the Bobbin from the Machine Horizontal Spool Pin Ordinary SpoolAdditional spool pin is used to wind Wind the Bobbin Insert the Bobbin into the Bobbin Holder Pull the thread clockwiseToward you through the tension Attach the hook cover plateoPrepare the Top Thread Thread the NeedlePreparetheTop Thread Pick Up the Bobbin Thread ButtonLeft By pullingAdjust the Top Thread Tension PreparetheT0pThrea d Too Tight Too Loose Just RightMain Function ButtonsDisplay Sharpness Adjusting Knob Control ButtonMode Button 0OTMirror Image Button Clear Button Stitch Length Control Button Length will beLight IncreaseMessage Button PressUse the Seam Guides Turn a Square CornerSewing on HeavyFabrics Dropping the Feed DogsBasting ICTICE Commonstitching SKI LLSSat the Machine Iii GuidingSew a Button Thread tension$ lo FootAJ Itsas easy at a -- B -- C Set the MachinePut in a Zipper Closethezipperandturnthefabrictop sideup. Spreadflat Chart of Sewing F,unctions 30,31 13,14 10,1916,28 40,52 41~43,61,62,74Stitch Pattern Chart On pTension Lever Refer toOveredge Seam Stitch Pattern Chart On p, t7Stitc H ES Sat,n ifSatin Qua 91 ~ Straight Stitches Straight StitchPresser Its highest+t --eroot Aj Topstitchlng Set the Machine?Cfi!,,,,, .... i!i!iii?ii!¸iiiii!!¸!iii Effect+ Io--- ooT a Pintucking Sat the Machine+ !0-4 F00 a QuiltingAdjust your fabric accordingly GatheringStraight stretch Il z- 0oTAj Locl*Matic SeamOutlineStretch Ill 18 root Ill I3NWr00T a Satin Stitch Set the Machine Heres HowHeresHow Overcasting Stitch Set the MachineMending Set the Machine FO0 Overedge Seam Sat the Machine00,A Knit Stitch Set the MachineFootA Rick-Rack Stretch Set the MachineFOOTj 114= Adjusting Evenness of Darning Darning Small Rips=L=0B,3Foot Cm 31/321LSTEP2 !- ca sTEP Adjust the Stitch Width and Density Stitch Density in Entire ButtonholeIs EPi Manual BuOnhoiingStitch Density on One Side ForSetthe Machine Himinglad Eging Stitches WS,0 L2.0Foota Is to28 w5.0 L2.0 j Shell StitchEAR N T H E Sl Scallop Stitch Set the MachineCut-Out Work Edging and Applique Set the Machine EachReinforcing stitches TESISew this pattern On a seam that s Already joined and pressed fiat33 Fo0T Fagoting Stitch Sat the MachineElastic Casing Stitch Set the Machine Elastic Stretch Stitch Set the MachineT40 FO01 FFootF Decorate with Geometric PatternsPage F34 Foot l Cross StitchIscki !i!iii¸!iii¸!iiiii Thread tension 2to Or2Thread tensio n 2to8 Pro,sMomo.o Pressthe next stitch pattern 6 I w- flash Two Cycle StitchingSame combination = Test Sewing Pattern Combinations Cycle Stitching by Pressing Mirror image ButtonStep Press Auto-LockPattern Single Umts Aid to Programming Memory Lock Alphabet and Numbers Memory lock patternsCombining Letters in Block Style Step Combining Large and Small Letters StepQF- flash Flash I Ill FlashFlash +-flash Flash @ 3E --- P, S . H flashLqT Combining Letters in Script Style StepPress the Edit button again when editing is completed Checking and Editing You r ProgramCursor To Delete and Add Patterns Add pattern Z between D and E +-flashTo Adjust Distorted Patterns To Adjust Distorted Letters or NumbersAccessory LettersWhat to do When Needle threadBreaks Skipped stitchesSeam puckering Cloth is not feedingSmoothly Machine doesntworkCleaningthe Machine Oiling the Machine No other oiling is requiredParts List LOlRet. No 647814031 No Single Needles647814042 No Single Needles 647814053 No, 18 Single NeedlesCross stTtching Cut-out Work Gathering Hook cover pate 18, 9gKnit Stitching Large screw driver 101102 7273Quilter 12, 13, 51,101102 Quilting Foot 1213 3638, t0t102Supply From WiII, treeExcept SEARS, Roebuck and CO., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, ILSewing Machine