Front Panel Information Display
ABitstream Indicators B Optical Source Indicators C Sample Rate Indicators D DTS Mode Indicator
E Dolby Digital Indicator F Coaxial Source Indicators G Dolby Pro Logic II Indicator H Analog Input Indicator I Dolby 3 Stereo Indicator
ABitstream Indicators: When the input is a digital source, one of these indicators will light to display the specific type of data signal in use.
BOptical Source Indicators: These indica- tors light to show when an Optical Digital Input has been selected.
CSample Rate Indicators: One of these indicators will light when 96kHz or 192kHz source material is in use.
DDTS Mode Indicator: This indicator lights when a
EDolby Digital Indicator: This indicator lights when a Dolby Digital source is being played.
FCoaxial Source Indicators: These indica- tors light to show when a Coaxial Digital Input has been selected.
GDolby Pro Logic II Indicator: This indica- tor lights when the Dolby Pro Logic II mode has been selected.
NOTE: It is possible to see the Dolby Pro Logic II indicator lit simultaneously with the Dolby Digital indicator, even though the Dolby Digital surround mode has been selected. This is due to the specifications for Dolby Digital processing, which require that the Dolby Pro Logic II mode be applied when a
JLogic 7 Mode Indicators
M Theater Mode Indicator N VMAx Mode Indicators O Multiroom Indicator P OSD Indicator
Q Speaker/Channel Input Indicators R Preset Number/Sleep Timer
Digital soundtrack has been selected.
HAnalog Input Indicator: This indicator lights when an analog input source has been selected.
IDolby 3 Stereo Indicator: This indicator lights when the Dolby 3 Stereo mode has been selected.
JLogic 7 Mode Indicators: These indica- tors light to indicate that one of the Logic 7 modes is in use. Along with the main Logic 7 indicator, either 5.1 or 7.1 will light to indicate the selected speaker configuration. One of the three letters to the far right of this segment will light to show which version of Logic 7 process- ing is in use: C for the Cinema mode, M for the Music mode and E for the Enhanced mode used with
LHall Mode Indicators: These indicators light when one of the Hall modes has been selected.
MTheater Mode Indicator: This indicator lights to show that the Theater mode is in use.
NVMAx Mode Indicators: One of these indicators lights when the VMAx mode is in
SPreset Indicator T Sleep Indicator U Memory Indicator V Stereo Indicator W Tuned Indicator X Auto Indicator
Y Main Information Display Z Mute Indicator
use. VMAx F appears when the Far Field VMAx mode is selected; VMAx N appears when the Near Field VMAx mode is selected. (See page 27 for a description of the VMAx modes.)
OMultiroom Indicator: This indicator lights when the multiroom system is active. Note that it will remain lit when the multiroom system is in use even though the main room system is in the Standby mode and all other indicators are dark. (See page 36 for more information on the Multiroom system.)
POSD Indicator: When the OSD system is in use, this indicator lights to remind you that the other indicators in this display do not function when the
QSpeaker/Channel Input Indicators: These indicators are multipurpose, indicating either the speaker type selected for each channel or the incoming