Wolf ICBCT30EU, ICBCT36EU, ICBCT15E Framed Electric Cooktops, Unframed Electric Cooktops

Page 7



The illustrations on pages 8–13 provide the overall dimensions, installation specifications and countertop cut-out for each of the Wolf electric cooktop models.

These cooktops are designed to fit a standard 610 mm deep base cabinet with a 635 mm deep countertop. Before making the counter- top cut-out, verify that the cooktop will clear the side walls of the base cabinet below.

Clearance is required for the terminal block and conduit located at the right rear of the cooktop. Refer to the illustration below for dimensions.


For framed models, a minimum 146 mm clearance is required between the countertop and any combustible surface directly below the cooktop.

Wolf framed electric cooktops are designed to be installed in combination with other cooktop units.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When multiple cooktop units are installed side by side, refer to the countertop cut-out dimensions on page 11.

Wolf framed electric cooktops can accommo- date a Wolf downdraft ventilation system. Refer to installation instructions provided with the downdraft for additional specifications.


For unframed models, a minimum 159 mm clearance is required between the countertop and any combustible surface directly below the cooktop.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unframed electric cooktops are not designed to be installed in combination with other cooktops.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unframed electric cooktops cannot be installed with a downdraft ventilation system.

For installation options of the unframed electric cooktops, refer to Unframed Installa- tions on pages 14–15.

32 mm

56 mm

22 mm

84 mm

24 mm

Terminal block dimensions


Image 7
Contents Electric Cooktops Page G L I S H P Ã N O L A N Ç a I S TA L I a N O U T S C H N TAC T F O R M AT I O N F O R E YOU Start LOC Ation in Countertop Overhead C Abinet DimensionsUnframed Electric Cooktops Framed Electric CooktopsModel ICBCT15E Installation Specific Ations Model ICBCT15EModel ICBCT30E Installation Specific Ations Model ICBCT30EModel ICBCT36E Installation Specific Ations Model ICBCT36ES TA L L AT I O N Model ICBCT30EU Installation Specific Ations Model ICBCT30EUModel ICBCT36EU Installation Specific Ations Model ICBCT36EUModels ICBCT30EU and ICBCT36EU Flush Mount InstallationFrameless Installation Maximum Connected Load Required Power SupplyGround Foam strip S TA L L AT I O N Instructions If Cooktop does not Operate Wolf E L E C T R I C CO O K to P S O U B L E ShootingS TA L LAT I on Instructions F O R M AC I Ó N DE Contacto Información DE LA Placa DE Datos T E S DE ComenzarMedidas DE LOS Armarios Superiores LAC a S V I T R O C E R Á M I C a S D E WO L FPreparación DEL S I T I O Coloc Ación EN LA EncimeraVitrocerámic AS CON Marco Instrucciones DE I N S TA L a C I Ó NEspecific Aciones DE LA S TA L a C I Ó NModelo ICBCT15E Especific Aciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT15EModelo ICBCT30E Especific Aciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT30EModelo ICBCT36E Especific Aciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT36EAccesorios Modelo ICBCT30EU Especific Aciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT30EUModelo ICBCT36EU Especific Aciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT36EUModelos ICBCT30EU Y ICBCT36EU S TA L AC I O N E S S I N M a R COInstalación Empotrada Instalación ENC Astrada Instalaciones S I N M a R COInstalación SIN Marco Arga Máxima Conectada Requisitos DEL Suministro EléctricoNota Importante Demasiado T R ACC I Ó N DE LA Plac a SI LA Plac a no Funciona Información DE Contacto N TAC T Informations LAQ U E S D E C U I S S on E L E C T R I Q U E S WO L FExigences Relatives a AVA N T DE Commencer ’ I N S TA L LAT I onDimensions DES Elements DE Cuisine Superieurs Emplacement Dans LE Plan DE TravailPlaques DE Cuisson Electriques Sans C Adre S T RU C T I O N S D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O NE C I F I C AT I O N S D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O N Plaques DE Cuisson Electriques Avec C AdreModele ICBCT15E Specific Ations D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT15EModele ICBCT30E Specific Ations D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT30EModele ICBCT36E Specific Ations D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT36EC U I S S on M U LT I P L E S S TA L L AT I O N D E P LAQ U E SAC C E S S O I R E S Modele ICBCT30EU Specific Ations D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT30EUModele ICBCT36EU Specific Ations D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT36EUModeles ICBCT30EU ET ICBCT36EU Installation ENC AstreeS TA L L AT I O N D E S M O D E L E S N S C a D R EInstallation Sans C Adre Puissance Maximum Raccordee Alimentation Electrique RequiseWO L F M a R Q U E P O RTA N T E N F I G U R AT I O N E L E C T R I Q U ERemarque Importante Dans le cas d’une DE CuissonInstructions D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O N AccessoiresT R a I T DE LA Plaque DE Cuisson SI LA Plaque DE Cuisson NE Fonctionne PAS Depistage DES PA N N E S AccessoiresS T RU C T I O N S D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O N F O R M a Z I O N PER I Contatti Informazioni SULL’ETICHETTA Identificativa I M a DI IniziarePosizione SUL Piano DI Lavoro Dimensioni DEL PensileA N I D I Cott U R a E L E TT R I C I WO L F Preparazione D E L S I toPiani DI Cottura Elettrici Senza Telaio Piani DI Cottura Elettrici CON TelaioModello ICBCT15E Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT15EModello ICBCT30E Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT30EModello ICBCT36E Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT36EAccessori Modello ICBCT30EU Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT30EUModello ICBCT36EU Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT36EUS TA L L a Z I O N I S E N Z a T E LA I O Installazione CON Montaggio a FiloModelli ICBCT30EU E ICBCT36EU Installazione Senza Telaio Arico Collegato Massimo Alimentazione RichiestaMessa a Terra Cottura Prima DI a Z I ONA R E IL Piano DI Cottura Istruzioni PER L’ I N S TA L LA Z I on EM O Z I on E DEL Piano DI Cottura SE IL Piano DI Cottura NON Funziona Informazioni PER I Contatti Vorsicht R DER Inbetriebnahme E K T R O KO C H F E L D E R VO N WO L FInformatio NEN AUF DEM Typenschild Position in Arbeitsplatte OrtesAbmessungen DER Oben Liegenden Schränke Elektrokochfelder Ohne Rahmen Elektrokochfelder MIT RahmenICBCT15E Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT15EModell ICBCT30E Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT30EModell ICBCT36E Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT36EZubehör Installation VON M E H R E R E NS TA L L AT I O N S a N W E I S U N G E N C H F E L D E R NModell ICBCT30EU Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT30EUModell ICBCT36EU Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT36EUModelle ICBCT30EU UND ICBCT36EU Bündige InstallationRahmenlose Installation Maximale Angeschlossene Last Erforderliche StromversorgungC H T I G E R H I N W E I S ErdeStark anziehen S B a U E N DES Kochfeldes Wenn DAS Kochfeld Nicht Funktioniert E K T R O KO C H F E L D E R VO N WO L F H L E R S U C H EKontaktin Formationen Wenn S E R V I C E Erforderlich ISTWolf APPLIANCE, INC