The INSTALLATION screen provides the utilities that makes the setup and testing of your system simple and convenient.
Places to go from the INSTALLATION screen
System Test
The System Test button takes you to the SYSTEM TEST screen.
Things to do in the INSTALLATION screen
Here, the quality of the satellite signal is automatically displayed. In addition to using this at installation time, you can use it to troubleshoot if you experience loss of signal, momentary video freezing, or similar problems.
Transponder #
You may want to try different transponders troubleshoot satellite signal reception problems. Each transponder transmits multiple programs at a time. The transponder shown when the screen first displays represents the one associated with the last viewed program. By moving the highlight to the transponder area, you can enter a number from 01 to 32. Different transponders may show varying signal strengths. This is normal unless the variations are extreme (such as 40 and 90). In the event of signal reception problems, customer service representatives may ask for signal strength on a different transponder. Do not change transponders trying to find the best signal since the transponder will automatically change depending on the channel you want to view.
Another signal strength utility that you may find useful is the Cable Test that can be found in the SYSTEM TEST screen.
After selecting Position from the INSTALLATION screen a and
keys or use the numeric keypad to change the value of the digits. Press the
key to advance or the
key to back up. Once you have entered all of the correct digits, select OK. The calculated results on the proper direction to point your satellite dish antenna will be displayed.
New Card
The NEW CARD screen provides a way for service providers to distribute new access cards. Should you be issued a new card, you will need to activate it. Follow the