Vehicle Installation
5You’ll first need to find an available FM channel.. An available FM channel is one that’s not being used by an FM radio station in your area.. When you tune your FM radio to an available channel, you should only hear static or silence – not talk or music.. We recommend one of the following methods to find an available FM channel:
a.Use the SIRIUS XM FM Channel Finder at www..xmradio..com/ fmchannel.. Go to the website and enter your zip code.. The Channel Finder will suggest a list of available FM channels in your area.. For convenience, write down or print out the list..
b.Manually tune through your local FM channels on your vehicle’s FM radio.. Locate and create a list of channels that aren’t being used by any FM radio station.. Write down the list.. Once you have created your list of available FM channels, you will need to find the one that provides the best match for onyX..
TIP! You’ll need to use the ‘Manual’ tune function on your vehicle’s FM radio to tune through every FM channel
6Ensure onyX is tuned to channel 1.. Upon power up, onyX should tune to channel 1 by default, when it’s not yet activated.. If it’s not on channel 1, refer to “Listening to Satellite Radio” on page 55 to learn about how to tune a channel..
7Pick the first FM channel on your list from step 5.. Turn on your vehicle’s FM