Special Features
the Select button..
3At the “Parental Controls” screen, Parental Controls will be highlighted.. Press the Select button to turn parental control On (or press the Select button to turn parental control Off)..
4Press and hold menu to return to the main display screen..
To lock (or unlock) channels or categories:
1Press menu..
2Press to scroll to and highlight Parental Controls.. Press the Select button..
3You will be prompted to enter the to advance to the next digit.. (Press
if you need to go back and edit a previous digit..)
4When you have entered all 4 digits of the code press the Select button..
5If Parental Controls is shown as Off, press the Select button to turn it On, otherwise continue with the next step..
6At the “Parental Controls” screen, Press to scroll to and highlight Locked Channels.. Press the Select button..
7A list of all the categories and the channels in each category will be displayed.. Press and
to scroll to and highlight a channel or category you want to lock.. Press the Select button.. A lock icon
will be displayed to the left of the channel or category you locked.. (To unlock a locked channel or category, simply highlight the locked