Audio Amplifier/Intercom/Marker Beacon Receiver
Section II - Installation
2.1.1 SCOPE
This section provides detailed installation and interconnect instructions for the Honey- well, Inc. KMA28 Audio Selector Panel/Intercom System with internal Marker Beacon. Please read this manual carefully before beginning any installation to prevent damage and
2.1.2 Certification Requirements
When the digital audio warning system is installed in a certified aircraft, certification ba- sis is the installer’s responsibility. Due to the variety and options available for interface, Honeywell will only provide manufacturers’ data for our equipment interface.
2.2Unpacking and Preliminary Inspection
Use care when unpacking the equipment. Inspect the units and parts supplied for visible signs of shipping damage. Examine the unit for loose or broken buttons, bent knobs, etc. Verify the correct quantity of components supplied with the list in Section 1.6. If any claim is to be made, save the shipping material and contact the freight carrier. Do NOT return units damaged in shipping to Honeywell. If the unit or accessories shows any sign of external shipping damage, contact Honeywell to arrange for a replacement. Under no circumstances attempt to install a damaged unit in an aircraft. Equipment returned to Honeywell for any other reason should be shipped in the original packaging, or other UPS approved packaging.
2.3Equipment Installation Procedures
2.3.1 Cooling Requirements
Forced air cooling of the KMA 28 is not required. However the unit should be kept away from heat producing sources (i.e. defrost or heater ducts, dropping resistors, heat produc- ing avionics) without adequate cooling air provided.
2.3.2 Mounting Requirements
The KMA 28 must be rigidly mounted to the instrument panel of the aircraft structure and within view and reach of the pilot position(s). Installation must comply with FAA Advi- sory Circular AC
Avoid installing the audio panel close to high current devices or systems with high- voltage pulse type outputs, such as DME or transponders.
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