Audio Amplifier/Intercom/Marker Beacon Receiver
in the entertainment devices into the system. The audio signal at the entertainment input must be a minimum of 500 mV
All entertainment devices must be switched off for both takeoff and landing. Entertainment distribution
Entertainment source #1 provides music for the pilot and copilot positions, while enter- tainment source #2 provides music for the four passenger positions. The KMA
Any signal appearing in the unswitched audio inputs will always mute the entertainment sources, even though the passengers may not hear the audio tone itself.
Entertainment inputs #1 and #2 can be paralleled so a single entertainment source can serve both the passengers and the crew. It is suggested however, that a switch (DPDT) is installed between the single entertainment device and entertainment input #1. This will allow the pilot and copilot to decide if they hear entertainment while in the Crew mode.
Caution: Local oscillators and internal signals from some entertainment equipment can cause undesired interference with other aircraft systems. Before takeoff, operate the en- tertainment devices to determine if there is any adverse effect within the aircraft systems. If any unusual operation is noted in flight, immediately switch off the entertainment de- vices.
All entertainment devices must be switched off for both takeoff and landing. Entertainment 2 Mute (Pin V)
The ICS button on the KMA 28 controls the muting (“Karoake mode”) of entertainment source #1.
Connecting J2 pin V to ground through a SPST switch places the entertainment #2 music source into the Karoake Mode. In this mode, incoming music and intercom conversation will not mute the music for the passengers’ intercom net. This allows uninterrupted music during casual conversation and at times when radio communications are of lessor impor- tance.
2.4.11 Com 3 Audio
As installed in the standard configuration, the KMA 28 Com 3 audio is heard while the mic selector switch is in the Com 3 position (fully CCW). Pushing the receiver selector buttons can monitor Com 1 and Com 2 audio. If monitoring of Com 3 is desired in Com 1 or Com 2 mic selector position, connect Com 3 audio in parallel to the AUX input (J1, pin 11).
2.4.12 Public Address function
The KMA28 has a Public Address function. By connecting the top connector (J2), Pin 18 to ground, the pilot’s microphone audio is placed on the cabin speaker output. When the
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