(5)Remove the compressor.
(6)Install new compressor and new filter dryer and weld them. The open time of system shall not be more than 10 min.
(7)Connect the R134a recovery unit to the low sideline of the compressor, and then evacuate. The evacuation time shall not be less than 45 min.
(8)Fill system with R134a according to its original quantity.
(9)Check if there is any leakage at welded point by using soapsuds.
(10)Use clean gauze to wipe away welding powder and flux.
(11)Connect the electrical controlling unit of compressor.
(12)Mount and adjust temperature controller.
(13)Switch on power for test run, check unit operation.
12.3.5 Compressor installation and brazing procedures
(1)Install new compressor.
(2)Compressor is not allowed to suck in air directly for check or other test.
MAINTENANCE SERVICE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
(3)When changing with new compressor during service, the seal plug shall be opened last and make the brazing and evacuation immediately.
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