12.1.1 Servicing freezer
(1)Check the whole circuit of freezer, if there are wire connections came off, any wires broken, or a short circuit.
(2)Check the insulation of the whole freezer. At normal situation, the resistance is greater than 2 mebohms; if it is less than 2 mebohms, please make a further check of the freezer resistance. Set the voltmeter to R1 Ohm position, put the two voltmeter leads pencils into L and N terminals respectively, watch the indication of odometer. The normal value is several Ohm to tens of ohm. If the resistance is zero, means that there is a short in the freezer circuit or there is a short caused by a bad compressor or fan motor. The reason should be found out and repaired. If the resistance is too big or infinite, this means that there is broken circuit, please check and solve it.
After the above checks, the freezer will not have any electrical problem and you can switch power on for further completely check.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
12.1.2 Reasons of electricity leakage of freezer
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