GE JVM240, JVM241 warranty Powr Level I Best Uses

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Variable power levels add flexibility to your microwave rooking. The power levels on your microwave oven can be compared to the surface units on a range. High @ower ~vel 10) or full power is the fastest way to cook and gives you 100% power. Each power level gives you microwave energy a certain percent of the time. Power Uvel 7 is microwave energy 7070 of the time. Power bvel 3 is energy 30% of the time.

A high setting (10) will cook faster but may need additional attention such as frequent stirring, rotating or turning over. Most of your cooking will be done on High (Power bvel 10). A lower setting will cook more everdy and with less attention given to stirring or rotating the food. Some foods may have better flavor, texture or appearance if one of the lower settings is used. You may wish to use a lower power level when cooking foods that have a tendency to boil over, such as scalloped potatoes.

Rest periods (when the microwave energy cycles o~ give time for the food to “equaltie” or transfer heat to the inside of the food. An example of this is shown with Power ~vel >the defrost cycle. If microwave energy did not cycle off, the outside of the food would cook before the inside was defrosted.

Here are some examples of uses for various power levels:


High 10Fish, baco~ vegetables, boiling liquids.

Meal-High 7 Gende cooking of meat and I poultry; baking casseroles

and reheating. -

Medium 5Slow cooking and tendefiing such as stew~ and less tender-

I cuts of meat.

hw 3Defrosting without cooking; simmering; delimte sauces.


Keeping food warm without


overcooking; softening butter.

~is microwave oven has an automatic fan feature to protect it from too much heat rising from the cooktop or range beneath it. It automatidly turns on at a low speed if it senses too much heat.

If you have turned the fan on you may find that you cannot turn it off. This is because the automatic fan has come onto protect the internal parts of the microwave.

~e fan will automatidly turn off when the intemrd parts are cool. It may stay on for 30 minutes or more after the range and microwave controls have been turned off.


Image 7
Contents Useand~re&boMng Guide \ Save time and money Before using your ovenWrite down the model and serial numbers If you received a Damaged ovenDo not cover or bM any openings on the appWnee Apphce must be grounded. ~MectDo not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers Mnthued Worw Smew mS~UC~ONSHe Efiaust H@ Optional AccessoriesIf YOU Need Service Powr Level I Best Uses YO~ Touch COmOL P~L Probe is not securely seated in oven wall receptacle When You Plug in the OvenThis wfll happen any time there is a power outage PRObE Appeam on tie DisplayVert Her Coobng Complete ReminderMtchen Timer How to Time a 3-Minute Phone CallProgramming Delayed Cooking How to Detis~ Hold and Micro CookMicro Cook Using the Micro Cook II FeatureEset the timer to resume cooking How to Change Power ~vel When Setting Micro CookHow to Use Delay Stirt How to Use ReminderBeeper Feature Express Cook FeatureQBQ How to Use the Snacks Feature Snacks Codes 1 toSnacks feature can be NO~ See the next page on how to use SnacksCodes 1 to How to Use the Snack Feature Snack Codes 5 and QCodes 5 Code Display Serving Foods Recommended ReheatTo Reheat Mom Than One Sening Reheat GuideCook Code Guide How to Use the Cook FeatunST~T flashes on the disDlav Can I defrost small items in a hurry? How to Change Power UvelDetisting Tips Questions and hswemQuestions and hswers Temperature ProbeHow to Temp Cook a Rolled Beef Rib Roast to Medium Cooking TipsConversion Guide How to Set Auto DefrostAuto Defrost Stind Time~.-M Weight Fimt SIGN& Second SignST~D~ME ~O~~C ROAS~G How to Roast Beef to MediumAuto Roast uses the temperature probe to cook to Preparing Roasts for Auto RoastingAutomatic Simmer Guide Auto Roast Code Auto Roast GuideAutomatic Simmer Auto Roast Code Basic Mcmwave Gtidehes Plate of bftovers Bake~ FoodsBeverages Meats and Main DishesMeat Power Uvel Defrost Fish and Seafood Power hvel DefrostBreads, Cakes Power hvel Defrost Fruit Power hvel Defrost Plastic puch-1toVegetables Positioning the SheE How to Reh~t Seveml Different ~pes of Foods Together~E to USE of ~ OWN S~LF How to Clean the Outside How to Clean the InsideCooktop LightNight Light Oven LightPanel or pdl plug Reusable Grease Filters on al models To Clean and Replace Grease FilterTo Remove Grease Filter GROW~G ~STRUC~ONS To Install Charcoal FilterTo Remove Charcoal Fflter ~ E~UST ~mMcel it Problem POSS~LE CauseThese things are normal with your microwave oven Page 80~62&2000 80WEXMES80W32-273~80W2F2224 WARRAN~