Step 4
Preparing the Countertop
Clearance between inside front of cabinet and rear of countertop cutout must be 205⁄8″ in order to accommodate cooktop depth.
17⁄8″ Min.
A 1/2″ wide flat area is required around the edge of opening for support of the unit. The cooktop unit must be level and sit squarely into countertop opening.
Carefully cut countertop opening according to the dimensions shown in the illustration. Be sure that opening is cut squarely, with sides parallel to each other and rear exactly perpendicular to sides.
25″ | 287⁄8″ |
17⁄8″ Min.
Step 5
Preparing for Ductwork
NOTE: Ductwork MUST be vented to outside. DO NOT vent into a wall, ceiling, crawlspace, attic or any concealed space.
Cut hole in cabinet wall or floor as appropriate for your installation. Make sure exhaust duct is located between wall studs or floor joists.
93⁄8″ | 79⁄16″ |
153⁄4″ | |
| 93⁄8″ |
Step 5A
Blower to Ductwork Alignment
In general, the use of flexible ducting is discouraged because it can cause severely restricted airflow. However, if the blower outlet and the floor or wall duct location do NOT align well, then flexible METAL ducting can be used to adapt to an offset. Good alignment without use of flexible ducting is best.
•Do not exceed the maximum recommended offset of 3″.
•Do not allow the flexible ducting to kink or collapse.
•Do stretch the flexible ducting as much as possible to eliminate as much of the corrugation as possible.
•Do rotate blower slightly to minimize offset (see Step 6).
3″ Max. |
Centerline |
to Centerline |
Offset |
Bottom Venting | Back Venting |
Step 5B
Determine Flexible Ducting’s Equivalent Length
1.Measure the actual amount of offset (maximum 3″ recommended). The effect upon airflow is dependent upon the amount of offset.
2.Calculate the equivalent ducting allowances using:
(___ in. offset) x (14 ft. per inch)
=___ ft. equivalent length.
3.Enter the calculated value into TABLE 1 of this Installation Instruction.
4.Ensure that the total equivalent length of ducting does not exceed the maximum recommendation of 100 feet.
Rear Wall Venting | Downward Venting |