Samsung FTQ386LWX user manual 52_ Troubleshooting

Page 52
52_ Troubleshooting





Oven not clean after

The oven controls were not set

See the section on self-cleaning on page

a self-cleaning cycle









The oven was heavily soiled.

Wipe up heavy spillovers before starting




the self-cleaning cycle. Heavily soiled




ovens may need to self-clean again or for




a longer period of time.





Steam from the vent

When using the convection

This is normal.


feature, it is normal to see steam




coming out of the oven vent.








As the number of racks or amount




of food being cooked increases,




the amount of visible steam will











Burning or oily odor

This is normal in a new oven and

To speed the process, set a self-cleaning

emitting from the

will disappear in time.


cycle for a minimum of 3 hours.



See the section on self-cleaning on page











Strong odor

An odor from the insulation around

This is temporary.


the inside of the oven is normal




for the first few times the oven is











Fan noise

A convection fan may automatically

This is normal.


turn on and off.







Oven racks are

The shiny, silver-colored racks

Apply a small amount of vegetable oil to

difficult to slide.

were cleaned in a self-cleaning


a paper towel and wipe the edges of the




oven racks with the paper towel.





Display goes blank.

A fuse in your home may be blown

Replace the fuse or reset the circuit


or the circuit breaker tripped.







Display flashes.

There was a power failure.

Reset the clock.





Drawer does not

The drawer is out of alignment.

Fully extend the drawer and push it all the

slide smoothly or



way in. See the page 47.





The drawer is over-loaded or the

Reduce weight. Redistribute drawer


load is unbalanced.







Warming drawer will

A fuse in your home may be blown

Replace the fuse or reset the circuit

not work.

or the circuit breaker tripped.








The controls are not set correctly.

See the chapter on using the warming




drawer on page 17.






There is liquid present in the

Remove the liquid.

condensation in the








Uncovered foods.

Cover food with a lid or aluminum foil.






The temperature is set too high.

Adjust the temperature to a lower setting.





Food dries out in

Moisture is escaping.

Cover food with a lid or aluminum foil.

the warming drawer.




The drawer is not fully closed.

Push the drawer in until the latch engages.





52_ Troubleshooting

Image 52
Contents Electric Range user manualFTQ386LWX imagine the possibilitiesfeatures of your new range • Steam Quick cleaning• The latest in heat-distributiontechnology • Bigger is betterimportant safety instructions SAFETY SYMBOLSANTI-TIPDEVICE Important safety instructions _FOR YOUR SAFETY _ Important safety instructionsAPPLIANCE OUTLETS SURFACE COOKING UNITSImportant safety instructions _5 OVEN WARMING DRAWERSELF-CLEANINGOVENS VENTILATING HOODGLASS/CERAMIC COOKING SURFACES BEFORE you begincontents using the warming drawertroubleshooting warrantyintroducing your new range OVERVIEWWHAT’S INCLUDED WITH YOUR RANGE 01 INTRODUCINGsurface cooking About surface cookingAbout the radiant surface elements 10_ Surface cookingHot surface indicator Cooking areas02 SURFACE COOKING Surface cooking _11Dual surface unit control knob left front How to set the appliance for surface cooking12_ Surface cooking Triple surface unit control knob right front Recommended settingsSurface cooking _13 Recommended settings Using the warming center1_ Surface cooking CHOOSING THE PROPER COOKWARE USING THE PROPER COOKWARESurface cooking _15 Cleaning Protecting the smoothtop surfacePreventing marks and scratches Preventing stainsusing the warming drawer About the warming drawerUsing the warming drawer _17 03 WARMING DRAWERTURNING THE WARMING DRAWER ON OR OFF 1_ Using the warming draweroperating the oven THE OVEN CONTROL PANEL04 OPERATING THE OVEN Operating the oven _19SETTING THE CLOCK How to set the clockHow to change between a 12-hourand 24-hourdisplay 20_ Operating the ovenMINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SETTINGS SETTING THE KITCHEN TIMERHow to set the timer Operating the oven _21USING THE OVEN RACKS Before using the racksOven rack positions Baking layer cakesHow to set the thermostat How to adjust the thermostat while cookingBAKING Operating the oven _2How to set the oven for convection baking CONVECTION BAKINGTips for convection baking 2_ Operating the ovenRecommended convection baking guide Operating the oven _25How to set the oven for convection roasting CONVECTION ROASTINGRecommended convection roasting guide Operating the oven _27How to set the oven for timed cooking TIMED COOKINGDELAY TIMED COOKING How to set the oven for delay timed cookingOperating the oven _29 Using the broil pan How to set the oven for broilingBROILING 0_ Operating the ovenRecommended broiling guide Operating the oven _31USING THE CUSTOM COOK FEATURE How to record a recipe settingHow to recall a setting 2_ Operating the ovenPROOFING How to set the oven for proofi ngOperating the oven _ USING THE KEEP WARM FUNCTION How to use the keep warm featureTURNING THE OVEN LIGHT ON AND OFF _ Operating the oven12 hour energy saving EXTRA FEATURESFahrenheit or Celsius temperature selection Thermostat adjustment Convection auto conversion featureHow to adjust the oven temperature Sound on/off Control lockoutHow to turn the sound on or off How to activate the control lockout featureSetting the Sabbath How to use the Sabbath featureSELF-CLEANING Before a self-cleaningcyclemaintaining your appliance 05 MAINTAINING YOUR APPLIANCEHow to set the oven for self-cleaning How to turn off the self-cleaningfeatureAfter a self-cleaningcycle 0_ Maintaining your applianceSTEAM-CLEANING How to set the oven for steam-cleaningAfter a steam-cleaningcycle Maintaining your appliance _1CARE AND CLEANING OF THE OVEN Cleaning painted parts and decorative trimCleaning stainless steel surfaces Oven ventCleaning the broil pan and insert Oven racksOven door Maintaining your appliance _CARE AND CLEANING OF THE GLASS COOKTOP Normal daily use cleaningRemoving burned-onresidue Removing heavy, burned-onresidueCleaning the cooktop seal Cleaning sugary spills and melted plasticRemoving metal marks and scratches Maintaining your appliance _5How to replace the door How to remove the doorREMOVING AND REPLACING THE OVEN DOOR How to replace the warming drawer How to remove the warming drawerREMOVING AND REPLACING THE WARMING DRAWER CHANGING THE OVEN LIGHT troubleshooting Troubleshooting06 TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting _4950_ Troubleshooting Troubleshooting _51 52_ Troubleshooting warranty LIMITED WARRANTY TO ORIGINAL PURCHASER07 WARRANTY Warranty _53Page Page QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? DG68-00105AManuel d’utilisation Cuisinière électriqueUn monde de possibilités Caractéristiques de votre nouvelle cuisinière • Nettoyage vapeur rapide• Plus d’espace • Table de cuisson à 5 foyersSYMBOLES DE SECURITE Consignes de sécurité importantesDISPOSITIF ANTI-BASCULEMENT AVERTISSEMENTPOUR VOTRE SECURITE _ Consignes de sécurité importantesPRISES DE L’APPAREIL TABLE DE CUISSONConsignes de sécurité importantes _5 FOUR TIROIR CHAUFFE-PLATFOURS AUTO-NETTOYANTS HOTTE D’ASPIRATIONTABLE DE CUISSON EN VITROCERAMIQUE avant de l’utiliserSommaire Présentation de votre nouvelle cuisinièreTable de cuisson Utilisation du tiroir chauffe-platACCESSOIRES FOURNIS Présentation de votre nouvelle cuisinièrePRéSENTATION Présentation de votre nouvelle cuisinière _9Table de cuisson A propos de la table de cuissonA propos des foyers radiants 10_ Table de cuissonEmplacement des foyers radiants et des commandes Témoin de surface chaudeZones de cuisson Table de cuisson _1112_ Table de cuisson 02 TABLE DE CUISSON Réglages recommandésTable de cuisson _13 Réglages recommandés Utilisation de la zone chauffe-plat1_ Table de cuisson CHOIX DES USTENSILES DE CUISINE APPROPRIéS UTILISATION DES USTENSILES DE CUISINE APPROPRIéSTable de cuisson _15 Protection de la surface lisse NettoyagePrévention des traces et des rayures Prévention des tachesA propos du tiroir chauffe-plat Utilisation du tiroir chauffe-plat03 TIROIR CHAUFFE-PLAT Utilisation du tiroir chauffe-plat_171_ Utilisation du tiroir chauffe-plat NIVEAUXFaible Petits pains mous, assiettes videsTABLEAU DE COMMANDE DU FOUR Utilisation du four04 UTILISATION DU FOUR Utilisation du four _19Comment régler l’horloge ? RéGLAGE DE L’HORLOGE20_ Utilisation du four RéGLAGES MINIMUM ET MAXIMUM Utilisation du four _21Comment régler la minuterie ? RéGLAGE DE LA MINUTERIE22_ Utilisation du four UTILISATION DES GRILLES DU FOUR Hauteurs de grilleCuisson de gâteaux étagés Avant d’utiliser les grillesComment régler le thermostat ? CUISSON2_ Utilisation du four Conseils pour la cuisson par convection CUISSON PAR CONVECTIONUtilisation du four _25 Guide de cuisson par convection 26_ Utilisation du fourRÔTISSAGE PAR CONVECTION Guide de rôtissage par convection recommandé 28_ Utilisation du fourComment régler le four pour la cuisson minutée ? CUISSON MINUTéEUtilisation du four _29 CUISSON MINUTéE DIFFéRéE 0_ Utilisation du fourCUISSON AU GRIL Utilisation de la lèchefriteComment régler le four pour la cuisson au gril ? Utilisation du four _1Guide de cuisson au gril 32 Utilisation du fourUTILISATION DE LA FONCTION CUISSON PERSONNALISéE Comment enregistrer une recette préréglée ?Comment appeler un réglage ? Utilisation du four _Comment régler le four pour la levée ? LEVéE_ Utilisation du four UTILISATION DE LA FONCTION DE MAINTIEN AU CHAUD Utilisation du four _5FONCTIONS COMPLéMENTAIRES Economie d’énergie après 12 heuresRéglage du thermostat Fonction de convection par conversion automatiqueComment régler la température du four ? Verrouillage des commandes Activation/désactivation du sonComment déverrouiller les commandes ? Comment activer ou désactiver le son ?Comment utiliser la fonction Shabbat ? Réglage de la fonction ShabbatUtilisation du four _9 Entretien de votre appareil AUTO-NETTOYAGEAvant le cycle d’auto-nettoyage 0_ Entretien de l’appareilComment régler le four pour l’auto-nettoyage? Comment désactiver la fonction d’auto-nettoyage?Après un cycle d’auto-nettoyage 05 ENTRETIEN DE L’APPAREILNETTOYAGE VAPEUR Comment régler le four pour le nettoyage vapeur ?Après un cycle de nettoyage vapeur 2_ Entretien de l’appareilENTRETIEN ET NETTOYAGE DU FOUR Ventilation du fourNettoyage des surfaces en inox DE L’APPAREILNettoyage de la lèchefrite et de son gril Grilles de cuissonPorte du four _ Entretien de l’appareilNettoyage après une utilisation quotidienne Suppression des résidus brûlésSuppression des résidus importants de brûlé Entretien de l’appareil _5Suppression des rayures et traces de métal Nettoyage du joint de la table de cuissonComment retirer la porte ? RETRAIT ET REMISE EN PLACE DE LA PORTE DU FOURComment remettre la porte en place ? Comment retirer le tiroir chauffe-plat? RETRAIT ET REMISE EN PLACE DU TIROIR CHAUFFE-PLATComment remettre le tiroir chauffe-platen place ? REMPLACEMENT DE L’AMPOULE DU FOUR Entretien de l’appareil _9Dépannage dépannage50_ Dépannage 06 DEPANNAGE Dépannage _5152_ Dépannage Dépannage _53 54_ Dépannage garantie CUISINIÈRE ÉLECTRIQUE SAMSUNGGARANTIE LIMITÉE DE L’ACHETEUR INITIAL 07 GARANTIEUNE QUESTION ? UN COMMENTAIRE ? PAYSTELEPHONE SITE INTERNET