Adjusting the flame on the dual work burner
Both rings
Inner ring only
1Always start out on HI. Both rings of flame will be on in the shaded setting range.
Note: when turned all the way down, the outer ring may appear to flicker. If this occurs, adjust the dial slightly back towards HI for a stable outer ring.
2To use the inner ring of flames only, continue turning the dial towards LO. Only the inner ring will be on in the shaded setting range.
If a dial halo is red, the dial is not in the OFF position.
Ensure that the burner has ignited or turn the dial back to the OFF position. A white halo indicates that another burner dial has been turned on.
When all the dials are in the OFF position, all the halos will turn off.
Turn the burner OFF and see ‘Troubleshooting’ for what to do next if you experience any of the following:
There’s a strong gas smell. | ● | The flames don’t burn all the way |
The flame has been blown out by a draft |
| around a burner, or some flames flicker. |
or extinguished by a spill and does not | ● | The flame is yellow or |
| rather than blue. | |
There is no clicking/sparking or there is | ● | The flames are too large, small, irregular, |
clicking/sparking, but a burner or burners |
| noisy or lift away from the burner. |
won’t light. |